
Cards Against Humanity is turning into that person you know through someone else that tries and succeeds at making people at the party laugh. But that confidence turns into them trying WAY too hard and people stop laughing and start thinking "Okay, that's enough."

"when he meets a new person, he always asks the same question: “What’s
your favorite thing about Earth?” One stranger on the bus gives him a
look like it’s the stupidest fucking question he’s ever heard, and for a
blissful moment, you hope against hope that maybe the film’s about to
pull a Psycho and permanently

Ahhhh yes, this was one of the most baffling trailers I had ever seen. It's a space adventure! No! It's a space drama! No! It's a YA romance!

I have a local store called 2nd and Charles that does buy back and pretty much ALWAYS gives better trade value or cash than GameStop. I found this out when i traded in some PS4 games for $40 credit that would have given me maybe $28 at GameStop.

I'm not even 30 years old and I'm thinking "What is this 'updated' crap of a classic pop song?!"

My respect and adoration for Mahershala Ali has shot up so significantly in the past 2 weeks or so. I hadn't seen him in much but he absolutely blew me away in Moonlight. Then he was super charming in Hidden Figures, which I saw yesterday. Then he made that speech and me well up and dammit…the man is fantastic.

"Am I wrong?!"
"You're not wrong James, you're just an asshole!"

When I finally saw Moonlight a couple weeks ago, one of my first thoughts about 15 minutes in was "Okay, so Mahershala Ali HAS to be nominated for Best Supporting, right? Like, this is amazing."

Yeah I love Meryl Streep but this reeks of "We HAVE to nominate her!" That movie is all but forgotten and there are 2 nominees left out because of it.

Having A Series of Unfortunate Events to watch on some flights lately was absolutely awesome. Hell yes for this feature!

I watched it a while ago and it a pretty goddam insane, campy movie. I'd love to see it at a midnight screening sometime.

If you haven't seen I Love You, Phillip Morris, I can't recommend it enough. It's dark and funny and insane, and oddly touching.

Oh my fucking god, Frank screaming "IT BURNS!" followed by the visual of his completely shredded back made my cry laughing. That ending made this an A- alone.

I remember buying "Bad Hair Day" on cassette and playing the shit out of it ("The Night Santa Went Crazy" is one of his craziest and most under-looked songs) and then later on getting albums like "Poodle Hat" on CD.

The Naked Gun airport gag is so goddamn great because it felt authentic and it made me so happy.

When I saw the trailer for this movie I just wished it was actually called:

Hi everyone, I've seen the Wonder Woman trailer a few times and despite loathing most of the recent DC Universe movies, I am looking forward to WW.

Was about to say, that's a BIG fucking beer for having in the shower. I'm trying to get a pleasant buzz while I scrub up, not get hammered and maybe forget to get out of the shower.

This looks dumb but kind of entertaining and I'm absolutely gonna see it some Saturday morning because I feel like I should get out of the house.

I reported him for this creepy shit and I'm now very glad I did!