
I'm realizing it's on my bucket list to go to a Conan taping.

Moon is still criminally underrated.

His enraged speech around the guy calling it a "starter car" is top 3 Dennis moments for me. Fucking hysterical.

The speech from "Donvan McNabb" in The Gang Gets Invincible remains one of my favorite all time moments from this show.

I was somewhat intrigued but after hearing about some of the torture in it, that combined with the run length made me not terribly interested…

My wife was DYING to see Passengers last weekend. I had heard nothing but awful things but since she never actually wants to go to the movies anymore, I volunteered to go with her, just so we would actually go to the movies together again.

Around The World On 80 Days (2004)

Thank the lord for Liza Weil, man. Paris was always my favorite in the original series and if it weren't for her in A Year in the Life it would have felt like a COMPLETE waste of my time, rather than just a pretty big waste of my time.

"The children are in peril again?"

Well shit. Much like Sam Rockwell, I am obligated to see everything he's in. No exceptions.

You might get something like this:

Like most sane, rational people, I hate Breitbarat with a fiery passion. But it's so funny to me that between this and the advertisers/Kellog storm, their insane followers cling closer than ever to them, while more and more people actually BACK OFF them and support those opposing them.

I will still defend the Brendan Frasier Mummy movies (well, the first two). They were fun and exciting and a little bit scary.

That's quite enough, internet!

As one can likely surmise, I'm a huge fan. I love how his early films are a little more grounded (Rushmore is my 2nd favorite film of all time) and he became a little more "whimsical", which peaked so beautifully with Grand Budapest Hotel.

It is, I think maybe to help differentiate it from Manchester NH. Everyone still refers to it as just "Manchester"

Just say no….to Acapella

My mom actually grew up in Manchester By The Sea, and we used to visit every summer. It's such a cool small NE town. Everything looks the same every time I go back, which is really nice after growing up somewhere that has new, shitty development every time I go back.

I haven't deleted my account, but spent about a week removing EVERYTHING from profile and timeline save for my profile picture, cover photo, and very basic info. They don't even have my birthday anymore. I expunged everything all the way back 10+ years and it felt great. Especially because I still had posts from

CBS: The number one network in America thanks to your grandparents who fall asleep while CSI is on so it stays on the channel all night!