
Take care everybody. Be excellent to each other, ALWAYS.

I really wanted to see Logan Lucky this weekend but I had a cold and felt like shit so I didn't end up going.

The only way I'll like this game is if Jeff Goldblum as Ian Malcolm occasionally pops up to warn you about playing God and then saying "I told you so" when things go wrong.

I had a friend show it to me in college after we established we shared the same sense of humor and I fucking loved it. We still quote it.

Strangers With Candy, the wonderfully warped spoof of after-school specials. Discovered it in high school flipping through channels on TV, absolutely loved it. Bought the DVD set before college, showed it to everyone I loved and they either loved it as much as I did, or looked at me like I was completely insane.

Won't lie, trailer made me puke in my mouth a little bit. I love Woody Harrelson but watching him spout that cliched "We have to live life like an adventure or we'll never really be free!" bullshit was paiiiiinful.

I saw Ouija Origin one weekend morning when I just felt like seeing a movie…what a surprise! Atmospheric and fun, was NOT expecting that.

I love seeing horror movies in the theater and I'll only skip one if they get terrible reviews (oh hai Wish Upon) so I'm glad this is fun. Seeing it in Dolby should be especially joyous!

"Let's talk about switching to Kinja"

My dad took me (I hadn't seen it before that point) and I can still remember his pure excitement at taking me to see it on the big screen

I don't mean to say people didn't "get it" (trust me, I loathe that defense of comedy, films, etc) just that my from my read I didn't get what Soloway was saying at all. If that's her read and it upset her, she's got every right to be upset. Just like you every right to not enjoy those Pat sketches!

I'm gonna show my age here, but what the hell.

Dany's dragons are her world, so seeing her horror when that happens is pretty palpable and heartbreaking!

True, definitely get that. There were some very upsetting things happening to those horses that killed us both. I guess when it's a CGI creation separation is slightly easier (even if that CGI is damn impressive)

True, but it gets into that "just a solider serving" thing. And your point is I think what makes the scene work so well, because they're not exactly saints but seeing that happen to someone is still pretty horrendous.

I get it, but my wife was so distraught about the dragon being speared…while I was horrified to watch hundreds of people screaming as they burned alive.

I could be way off here, but was it really ever implied that the joke was "people pressing Pat to reveal their gender in a threatening or offensive way"?

Speaking of which, I like how he stayed in the middle by saying "It's a big controversy" rather than actual calling him out on his bullshit. But hey, gotta be safe right?

Holy mother of God, Fallon can't even let her say her piece without jumping in. It's okay to let other people speak, Jimmy.

Please tell me the security guard with a weakness for large breasts will be on the "update" episode. Still not convinced that guy isn't just a character.