
As someone who has been waiting 10+ years for Trek to come back to TV, my expectations continue as more news rolls in. CBS has no fucking idea how to handle this and it's seriously depressing.

Funny you say that-I didn't cry, but was close: in any case, it affected me much more than it did my wife.

I was STUNNED at how brilliantly this was written to include what seemed like tragic flashbacks that informed the protagonist, only to flip it completely on its head and say "Oh actually, this hasn't happened yet, and she's slowly being keyed in on that. Those are visions, not flashbacks in her 'dreams'"


This is the first movie I'm seeing in 3D in some time-got my ticket for Saturday at the Alamo Drafthouse. Beer, good food, crazy 3D in a trippy super hero movie.

Faculty of Horror is so fucking good. When my film geekdom might start slipping away, their monthly ep comes and I'm reeled right back in. So goddamn good.

Between the contsant giggling and bleeped f bombs every other word, Chris Romano's story felt like a real slog to get through. No disrespect to him personally, but man ho man that was one of the worst segments I've ever seen on this show.

As someone who grew up in the 90s and loves Are You Afraid of the Dark but doesn't feel the need to remind everyone it is a thing, PLEASE STOP MAKING THE REST OF US LOOK BAD

My thoughts on Lady Gaga have done quite the 180 in the last couple years. I never hated her, but thought she was a little annoying with how much she wanted to focus on being odd and shocking (like the weird egg stunt)

Apparently some greater power overheard me when I told my wife the other day "I really want to go see a good, fun horror movie in the theater with Halloween almost here."

Goddamn son of a bitch. This is great chicken. Getting nothing but flack.

Great point on the head smashing! It never even crossed my mind but absolutely makes sense.

That was the weakest of the season for me, but it definitely had its moments. The idea that Dolores wants to say "fuck this" and buck the system has me very excited though!

Shit man, the trailers made it look really intriguing and then once I found out what was so mysterious about him, etc, I thought "FUCK, really?!"

Guys I've tried really hard to like Scott Aukerman. I really have. But I don't care if it's a "character" he's doing, I just find him so grating.

The podcast is so excellent and Mahnke seems like a genuinely nice and appreciative person, I'm very excited for this!

John Lennon? YUGE loser. I mean the guy's a loser! Those glasses? Comes on folks.

It is only in the credits, I think as a kid I always thought it was sad that they broke up at the end, so that was my personal association

"I Need You (That Thing You Do)" is such a genuinely great song. I think I associated as being sad given where it occurs in the Wonders story, but listening to it again I realize it's a fantastic love song.

I love this movie, and have since I saw it as a kid. When I was first dating my wife, I found out she was also a huge fan and honestly, it was one of the first bonding moments. I got it the director's cut DVD for her birthday with the note "Happy Birthday Little Wild One!"