

You see there is this thing called "shock". Seeing your boyfriend shot in front of you causes shock. Having a money slowly come out you about to violate you is more "terror"

I saw it with some friends and right in front of us were some old ladies that were MORTIFIED as they slowly realized what the movie actually was.

Man oh man, The Grey. It can be summed up best by what I said walking out of the theater: "That was a really good movie and I'm not sure I could ever watch it again."

Obvious Child is a great movie and the way it handles women's reproductive rights without being preachy and over the top is especially fantastic.

When I was a kid (29 now) my mom really only played early Beatles, like up to Rubber Soul. Then when I was about 12-13 I bought Sgt. Pepper on CD for like $3 from a record store that was going out of business.

I watched Help! for the first time in a long time recently and after reading they were high the whole time, I noticed how obvious that actually was. It can't top A Hard Day's Night but it's so delightfully whacky and non-sensical I couldn't help but love it.

This looks absolutely worth it for the restored footage alone. STILL can't believe how good it looks!

It's so creepy and unsettling in a slow, realistic way. The growing strange stick figures? Realizing they're going in circles? The way it builds just lends itself to this wonderful sense of dread.

I see the Buzzfeed transformation is near completion.

It's fun and maybe easy to poke fun at Jack White, but dammit if I don't admire the hell out of him and love/respect him for what he does for the art of making and releasing music. To have someone passionate about the process in a world of cranked out "hottest song of the summer" BS it's nice to have someone who takes

I'm…givin' you everrrryyyyttthhiiiinnggggg

As cheesy as it sounds, I was kind of a silent geek in high school who didn't fit in terribly well and his comedy helped me along.

I remember sitting in Spanish class with my friends on April 1st (he died the night of March 30) and just seeing the news, and thinking it must be an April Fools.

He bangs that old lady and then they play that song from the 80s!

Boyd Crowder, because it's powerful and it just MAKES you say it in that Kentucky drawl.

I didn't ask for your opinion, I asked for a toy…THAT YOU DON'T HAVE!

I definitely appreciate that now, and think it's a really really cool way to do a guide. It was just frustrating as a kid since my thought was "JUST TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"

This was such a gorgeous movie-watching it, I often had to remind myself it was stop motion. The creatures were so wonderful and often creepy (especially those eyes…shiver)

Seeing all the Barb hype before I got around to it made me think she would kick ass or be super interesting, or something.