
-Looks genuinely tense? Check.
-Jane Levy, who is a total babe? Check.
-Under 90 minutes? Check.

I had the Riven guide and it was interesting in that the first half is "journal" style, e.g. "I pulled the first lever from the left and saw (blank) happen…"

My mom actually grew up in Manchester-By-The-Sea, I recognized parts of it in the trailer. It's such a beautiful town-we went and visited my mom's brothers almost every summer when I was a kid. If the winters weren't so harsh I'd probably move to New England because I love it there.

I watched it and for a good 30 minutes after just felt very….sad. Like, I was gutted by the trailer alone.

The worst thing about new shows I'm excited about is everyone telling me "DUDE I have this craaaazzzzyyy theory about everything!"

Oh nice, other Sox fans here!

The outtakes for the tools rant are incredible.

It had its moments but man oh man was it trying too hard for me.

I LOVED the original as a kid, although it's funny that I know almost no one outside of my brother that is near my age and enjoyed it, or even knew of it. Hell, my wife didn't even know what it was.

I watched the "Razzle Dazzle Day" sequence on Youtube the other day and it ALL came flooding back…

I worked at a movie theater when the first Curious George movie came out. Often times, I dreaded the opening of kids movies because some kids were super annoying and always messy.

I'm this close to not even coming back to visit the AV Club anymore, internet!


Overall the character writing on this show was excellent.

I've been watching various interviews with Millie Bobby Brown and holy shit is she adorable. I hadn't watched any until after I finished the show, in which of course she's this silent, tortured child, but who also can be terrifying and overpowering.

"Can we play random games instead of give out awards?!"

I haven't seen this movie in YEARS but really need to watch it again.

"Idea: drop TV coverage, post random memes! GENIUS!"

M Night now releasing his films in January.

Schumer then added "Vagina LOL do you get it, or no?"