
I'm really on the fence about seeing this. The first Purge wasted the concept on a simple/stupid home invasion movie, but I thought the second was much more entertaining as it actually used its concept to explore what it's like to be in the middle of.

My heart would have completely melted on the spot.

Reading as a kid was something I enjoyed more than a lot of other things, maybe partially because I had (and have) a very active imagination. When I have kids I'll read to them each night and (NERD ALERT) seriously look forward to taking them to the library.

Okay, I'm gonna nerd out for a second here.

That was so refreshing to see a "happy" ending on this show. It was so well timed, too.

Okay, I straight up yelled "OHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT", stood up, and walked around my place fists in the air in celebration when Arya pulled that shit off.


The shot of Abergast (sp?) falling down the stairs after being stabbed has aged poorly, no doubt.

Red Letter Media did a re-look at the first film and really just nailed down when I hate and don't find it at all "bad but entertaining"

I'm very curious to see how this does-I feel like it will flop spectacularly or open at #1.

I have 16 GA tickets and there are literally no shows listed on that site in Denver, nay even the state of Colorado.

"I think the problem is that you lack upper body strength."

That movie was fucking terrifying. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie and was really, truly freaked out. It just didn't let up and the scares were smart and well developed, instead of jump scare after jump scare.

I see I'm still the only person on the planet that loved Cars.

Tony Hale's physical comedy in this show is unbelievable. My eyes go to him in every scene.

Dinesh and Glfoyle both telling Jared to fuck off was such a great surprisingly sweet moment.

Ugh, always a little annoying when they use the first few episodes purely for setting the table.

I was so psyched for this movie but given the incredibly lukewarm reviews, it may be a Red Box rental for me…

I know he did regardless, but was he credited as a source? I realize I never understood if they did or not.

The reveal that Richard was speaking to the reporter the whole time was BRUTAL. Goddamn man, this show is funny but so rough sometimes too. And I think that's why I love it.