
"Woooooooo red priestess is getting-"

Can we just end the Jess/Sam thing now? Please?

"Cyndee, we flew you to New York on Delta airlines-"

This is a dark fucking period!

Seeing him with all these small-ish parts in so many thing I enjoy has been pretty goddamn phenomenal, I must say!

"My toys are not play things! Can I not have anything of my own in this house?! God…BLESS it!"

"I’m pretty sure they’re from L.A. I know that the singer has been in an L.A. band since he was a kid. I just feel like they’re kind of milking that whole folksy, whatever, big-floppy-hat music scene that was happening for a while. “We’re simple, we just like hanging out and sitting Indian-style” or whatever."

Still no Tales From The Crypt huh?

The Titus and Mikey pairing/storyline is seriously one of the sweetest romantic storylines I've seen in TV lately. I can't get enough.

I grew up in UT. One of my favorite things to do is tell people all of the whacky ass liquor laws they have there. 2 of my favorite:

Man for people who usually have good business and music savvy (and I mean that seriously), Jack White and Jay-Z sure did fuck up their streaming service.

This show is losing me fast…really really really don't care about Sam and this ep was so irritatingly slapstick I almost turned it off.

"You smell like summer!"

This video proved to be a bonding experience between my freshman year roommate and I. The power of Youtube, ladies and gentlemen.


My mom took my brother and I see to see them years ago and they were great live. My dad STILL teases my mom about it, though.

For anyone that doesn't want to watch it in that weird player…

Jesus this sounds so good. I am a huge fan of literally everyone involved.


Ah yes, another movie being hyped purely on a gimmick that will be forgotten in 2 years.