

A very young kid (5 or 6?) a row in front of me stood up and air punched when the titular fight starter, then promptly sat down in stunned silence later when…well, you know. I won't spoil it here.

Saw it yesterday, because I lost a bet.

"They were all lined up to see that movie, Maid In Manhattan!"

I had to write a 15 page paper for my "History of Film Class" and wrote about Psycho

Okay episode, and a pretty weak season overall. I guess I'm in the minority but I much prefer the multiple sketch/story episodes to the "one focused story" episodes.

"I'll say this as nicely as possible…mind your own business slash shut the FUCK up!"

The FUCK is it with you and the sandwiches?!

As much as The Walking Dead lost me, the theme still gives me chills every time I hear it. The way it builds, the feeling it gives you…really incredible.

That reminds me of when I was at Universal Studios years ago and saw the Green Goblin. I went to take a picture with him and as we did he whispered to me "See that hot mom over there?"

The guy in that promo picture looks like he's saying "What's up with that?!" in the middle of a hacky stand up routine…

Candice opting to flip her hair when Toni angrily insists they put the camera on her absolutely slayed me. I can see why this episode is divisive but I loved it.

I cannot fucking overstate how excited I am to see Walton Goggins in a role like this.

As a fan of SOME comic book movies that never really read comic books…I was excited for this movie. And then I saw how many characters they're shoving in and that excitement dropped so much.

Max Greenfield? Sally Field? Directed by Michael Showalter?

This looks like the kind of movie you see one afternoon at a cheaper price that makes you laugh your ass off, and then you totally forget about it.

When this fails and people don't like it, Landis will once again cry about "Hollywood only being remakes with no original ideas"

You had me at "Sam Rockwell".

Perfect, I have another space on the "Why I'm offended about the new Ghostbusters" bingo card I'm making!

Guys I've been thinking about why the backlash has been bugging me so much.