
How DARE you Jess is the best guy ever and he should be the central focus!

Whitney Cummings?

It is interesting to me how "Popular" sounds pretty different from the majority of their stuff. I think people need to listen to "Whose Authority" and "Weightless" to really get an idea for how great these guys are.

These guys are so fucking underrated. I heard "What Is Your Secret?" on Pandora years ago and have been hooked ever since.

I think I'll here for a lowwwwnnnggg, looowwwwwnnngg time.

I like you.

I'm excited.

Already have my tickets to see it Saturday and cannot fucking wait.

Funny like when you used to climb the rope in gym class?

I've tried…but I just can't find myself liking Megan Fox. These episodes have turned into background noise for me lately :/


Jesus H, what a speech. Humble, well spoken, good political points. Well done Leo.

I see announcers still don't know how to read accents in a Hispanic person's name

I laughed so fucking hard at "You is well fit." that was not scripted.

Okay, actually digging this segment.

You just made a fact!

Realistic but optimistic? I like this.

Funny, hearing the nominess for editing I wasn't sure who should win but seeing Mad Max made me realize how incredibly well cut those actions scenes were. And voila!

Is it just me, or did Jenny Beaven get cut off WAY before other people have been?

This category is unbelievably stacked this year