
Hey, Guy From The Picture! If that's your real name…

If I ever audition for anything I'll use the monologue about how hot dogs get a bad rep.

Yes. To answer your question.

Every year, I'm completely underwhelmed by an Oscar movie most people can't stop talking about it.

But did she put her boots back on?!

I thought it might be, which made it even better. Almost had to pause I was laughing so hard.

Holy shit. Dennis screaming "MY ANKLES ARE SURELY BROKEN!" as Charlie very, very slowly skied behind him was one of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen on this show. The last couple seasons have made Dennis pass Charlie as my favorite.

I plan on watching this will knitting…annnnd knitting….AND KNITTING……ANNNND KNITTING…

"the overwhelming majority of Twelve Years a Slave’s audience had no clue as to the horror of having one’s personhood taken away from you."

I absolutely love Carol and in a really wonderful way, I enjoyed that, to me at least, it was really just a "forbidden love" story. I no doubt understand that the fact that it is a gay romance in a time where that was "morally reprehensible" is a big part of the story. But it was so small and personal and wonderful

I still have no idea what this musical is about.

Eddie Redmayne using "This is an Oscar clip" direction there.

Reflecting on it, it was one of the most fun times I've ever had seeing a movie in a theater. I went by myself and it was perfect. At the moment when they cross into the apartment building through the roof and the smaller monster jumps down at them, my phone vibrated literally on cue with it. I jumped about 5 feet.

Bummed to see no Best Picture nom for Carol, but otherwise, not a whole lot to complain about. The best news in my mind is that the Best Actor pool isn't terribly strong outside of Leo, which increases his odds. They could give it to Eddie Redmayne for the whole "playing a historically and/or socially important person

Swing and a miss.

The look on his face when the camera was in ECU after his God speech sent chills down my spine. Hardy was absolutely incredible.

"These prequels feel way too different than the original trilogy. George Lucas sucks!"

I find Josh to not be nearly as hate-able as the other kids, but he is by no means "likeable". I more often than not find people like him to be tragic and someone to pity rather than hate but yeah, he dropped the fucking ball.

It's odd how fortuitous a show can be.