
That was one of the most bizarre episodes of this show I've ever seen…and I loved every second of it. Mac and Charlie's cholo accents? Fucking classic. SO GLAD THIS SHOW IS BACK!

Well yes, this too haha


Can we get a tally of the folks who are GLAD Coach isn't coming back?

They all but explicitly mention it's because she was with a woman, so your silly little argument is null and void.

"Heteraphobes" It's cute that you think those exist.

Holy cow, what a film, I went in not having even seen a trailer and knowing only the base premise. I was totally glued. It looked GORGEOUS, the acting was incredible, and the chemistry was palpable.

Ah yes, the episode where this season really started to turn heartbreaking. Without talking about the rest to avoid spoilers, the second half was really excellent and it ends on a really great note.

"Oy Finchy…"

The outtakes of Gervais' music video for "If You Don't Know Me By Now" are maybe the most joy inducing things I've ever seen: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

My wife heard that on The Leftovers and said "This is amazing, I have to download it!"

I've seen these as part of Alamo's preshow before, and it's a VERY awkward feeling to be sitting there stone faced while people around me laugh like it's the funniest fucking thing they've ever seen…

It does hold up well, and I've always been impressed at how well it incorporates not only the 3D film, but the actors and effects as well.

I'd just like to use this platform to once again say FUCK YOU UNIVERSAL STUDIOS FOR CLOSING T2 3D TO MAKE A FUCKING MINIONS RIDE YOU FUCKS


And moms all over the country screamed with excitement….

"Daddy's gotta go to work."

A small scene from Ex Machina I loved-when Caleb is caught using the phone by a very drunk Nathan:

The night time scene in Mad Max was one of the most unreal scenes I've ever seen. There's something amazing about the choice to not show Max's destruction in the darkness after so much frantic action leading up to it. What a movie…

The shot of *SPOILERS*