
The shot of the "yes" soundbite with him throwing his arm out but his mouth not moving fucking slayed me. Absolutely amazing.

This trailer could just have the text "Oscar Isaac is in this movie" and I'd be sold.

Beat me to it. Sling me one, let's talk about sex. It's the best…but you GOTTA wear a condom man!

I'm so on the fence about this movie. Looks interesting but the following exchange makes me roll my eyes every time:

The line in Pageant Material that is something like "I'm usually higher than my hair" solidified the album as excellent for me. She is awesome.

"Biscuits" is a great, great song. And this is coming from someone who can't 99.9% of current country radio (my wife listens to it) Kacey Musgraves is great because she is actually subverting all the shit in most pop country.

The Mountain Greatest of All Times? Interesting name.


*Sees grade*

It was very charming and pleasant. The young woman who played Cinderella was great, not only in acting but also because I felt she pulled off "plain but very pretty" really well, which is of course key in that story.

SWMR <3 Goggins is in fact written all over my notebook.

Tarantino+Elmore Leonard (and maybe Goggins)=Fucking yes

I would, but I'm going to Rifftrax live…love me some Pan's Labyrinth but I could use something light and funny instead of dark right about now :/

I didn't find that story THAT funny, but then hearing Zouks' wheezing laugh made me start to laugh uncontrollably

I listen to a lot of podcasts, but Lore is one that I am head over heels for. I bought a t shirt as soon as they went on sale and will probably start contributing to Patreon soon. What a well produced, well performed show!

Holy shit can you imagine someone actually jumping up mid performance and SCREAMING about how much they love the show?


Tell me less, tell me less, cause this sounds like a drag!

What real life person with a debilitating disability or social struggle will Eddie Redmayne play for an Oscar next year? Place your bets!

Yes, this one instance of a rarely used projector and format means that using film AT ALL in just plain dumb, cause mechanics! Who needs gears when you have computers, amirite?!