
Ahhhhhhh yes, the classic Universal move of closing attractions based on classics to make way for the "hot new thing".

Gonna say it: he's not wrong. It wasn't a bad movie, but holy hell did I think It Follows was overrated. But I learned my lesson-I'm not buying into the hype for The Witch. I won't let that happen to me again…

He's known for unabashedly loving movies because he loves them, not because of popular opinion.. If you still enjoy his movies, then why "lose all respect" because he loved a movie you thought was annoying?


Why didn't you tell me, you STUPID JUNKY WHORE!

The 2nd one is fantastic, the 3rd one has a big narrative shift that I didn't really enjoy, but it was a serviceable conclusion to the series.

I couldn't get into A Dirty Job, but I really need to get back into Moore overall so I want to give it another shot. The Bloodsucking Fiends trilogy was far and away one of my favorite things I've ever read, even if the 3rd book was not nearly as good as the first two.

The fact that his top 10 films of the year are always films HE enjoyed is fucking great. He listed The Lone Ranger because the thought it was a fun movie. Regardless of one's opinion of that movie, you gotta respect that.

This was exactly what I was expecting-a very stylish, fun, throwback spy movie. Honestly, I didn't find the plot nearly as confusing or stupid as it's being made out to be.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like there's nothing that special about the Pleasantville shot…

I will say even in that short clip, she seems like the insufferable interviewee that asks dumb questions and has an irritating persona.

Can't decide if Jesse Eisenberg's made me like or hate him…

I remember as a kid finding this episode legitimately creepy in parts, in addition to being a fun spoof. Having seen it again recently, I still feel that way.

"I don't give a shit about the barracudas, fuck it! I'm building it anyway!"

Watching Tig on Netflix was, for me, in part so fascinating because I'd never really seen the personal side of her. Her onstage demeanor is so wonderfully dry, but off stage she's so warm and goofy. I am truly happy she's taking off now!

Watched for Adrian Brody saying "What's the meaning of this shit?!"

Cyber hand shake to you! That is it!

Only if you promise to post more sarcastic passive aggressive comments!

NO idea if anyone knows what episode it is but…I remember a particular episode of Pee-Wee's Playhouse that involved a double date and watching a movie in the playhouse. And in particular, a scene involving Randy working concessions and charging $50 for a popcorn and soda.

I just have to ask…am I the only person who finds BLR not funny…at all? Like not even crack a smile? This was all over my newsfeed and I thought "surely I can't be the only person that doesn't think these are the funniest things to ever exist…