
More like Jungle BOOS am I right?!?!

And I just found out the game was re-made for phones and tablets! Wow. Huge nostalgia rush.

Can I just tell you that you have no idea how grateful I am to finally figure the name of the Zoombinis. For literally years I was trying to remember what that game was called and have found nothing, so this…this is big.

A book for Colorado? So we like to read?

Pete Holmes has a great bit about Subway, and how the ham is "wet" and shiny. That is not normal.

"He doesn't cook or clean, he's not good boyfriend material."

Carol Brown, because it's funny as hell, but also kind of sad, and also musically a great song.

Watch out for the…

Wear an eyepatch, man.

To this day, The Descent is the only horror movie I've seen as an adult that kept me up all night.

I tried guys, I really tried.

*Mugs at the camera and shrugs as if to say Welp, whatta ya gonna do?*

A stupid moment that kills me every time:

M-A-R-S. Mars, bitches!

I could re-watch every episode of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia 50 times and still laugh so hard I nearly have to pause. Holy shit do I love that show.

I always get depressed when I realize there hasn't been a new Star Trek show on the air for 10 years :(


The Celebrity Gimmick Show with Jimmy Fallon!

It's nice to have a summer full of fun movies for once. MI 5 was a blast and this looks to be the same. I'm really excited to see it!

You can't un-fry things, Jeri! You can't be something you're not!