
You can have all the Legos, as long as you weren't one of the people that started sobbing at the sight of Han Solo in the latest trailer…

Michael Pena killed it, he was hilarious. Apparently people were giving him crap for his performance but I thought he was great.

I'm trying to remain at a reasonable level of expectations for the new trilogy. I feel as though I learned my lessons from the prequels.


That was really, really fun and my idea of a good Marvel movie. I'm so burnt out on the Avengers and all the related characters, so it's always exciting to see new characters that (for the most part) get their own movie. I felt the tie ins actually worked well this time.

Okay cupcake. Have a good one.

I never knew Amy Schumer's agent posted on AV Club…

Hollllllllly fucking shit.

Really, really excited to watch this this weekend.

If Pitchfork knew how many of these bands I've heard of, they'd cancel it in a second.

I watched it on a whim when I was unemployed, searching for jobs all day, and pretty damn depressed. This was all in October, so I was marathoning horror movies.

That's the spirit!

I've got a good friend who is about to transition. It's amazing that when they told me, there were so many things that clicked in my head that, looking back, made it all make sense. They seem to me to have more of an idea of who they really are now than I've ever seen in knowing them-it's really remarkable.

God dammit I can't wait.

Really looking forward to American Horror Story: Waffle House in 15 years.

I absolutely see what you're saying, but to play devil's advocate, I'd say the scene lends itself to their motivations-they want to take this guy down, no matter the cost. They can't let him escape.

"You're allowed to compare and contrast, but critics can't even compare this show to itself last season? Bull. Shit."

Easy there big fella. Lest we forget, I'm not a TV critic, I'm a commenter. If it makes you feel better, I get irked when ANYONE won't stop comparing it to last season.

Wow. That ending had my attention like few things have lately. As others have mentioned, it was so well shot-just enough chaos, but I could clearly tell who was where and what was going on.

Can you imagine being on the Star Wars prequels sets?