
Liked exclusively for the lack of Chris Hardwick.

Tell me less, tell me less!

The fucking TV spots for this garbage with night vision footage of 20 something women jumping and covering their mouths in horror tells you all you need to know about the quality of this movie…

Community Grade "A" with two votes.

I have to put this lightly, since she's only 15. But Kiernan Shipika is going to be very good looking. And I hope she takes off, she was so excellent in Mad Men.

Can I raise a practical question at this point? Will we be using the throne for tomorrow night's show?

I think I remember his wife saying State Police were asking about him. I have a feeling if he keeps pursuing custody (which he will), it will come back to bite him in the ass.

"Lasers and shit shooting from the top"

Colin Farrell's character is, of course, in so many ways a major asshole. But the battle for custody of his son is really striking to me. Really loved the scene of him telling his wife how appalled he was that she was trying to basically pay him off to not fight it. I'm not even a father myself (yet) but that story


"No don't release the balloons!"

It's fun when you think about the fact that the only people who say "bitches" more than hip hop artists are teenage girls. So try reading that in a teen girl voice.

Recording movies from TV to a tape via a VHS player was a joy that I'm sad my kids will never experience!

I rented this on VHS nearly every weekend. It was one of those movies I would hand to my mom to pay for and she'd say "This again?! Why don't you pick something you haven't seen?"

N64 absolutely blew my mind! I think it created a threshold of being wowed by gaming performance and graphics. There are certainly improvements console to console now, but the leap to N64 is I think nothing we'll ever see the likes of again.

I remember very clearly going to see Toy Story with my dad, and me asking him what it meant that this movie was "computer animated"

I'm going to just listen all the way through this today, but I've listened to the singles a bunch and despite my love for FF and appreciation for Sparks…it's just not grooving for me yet.

My coworkers were utterly flabbergasted when I said I didn't really like last week's episode (the White Walkers). I just felt like it was watching Peter Jackson's Hobbit movies at a certain point.

Could. not. agree. more.

Yes. But if you watch it, don't let season 1 dissuade you-it sticks out like a sore thumb and is verrrryyyy different than the rest of its run.