
Apparently a "wide release" in Denver means one showtime a day at one theater.

Being a good boyfriend, I brought my girlfriend to see the first one because she was really excited for it, despite the fact that my fantasy baseball draft was happening at the same time.

Reminds me of Kumail Nanjiani's bit about video games being one thing that get better the longer they're around-his whole thing is so on point.

A gentle reminder that Hollywood doesn't need that many original ideas, thanks.

She really does! She was so stinking cute in Forgetting Sarah Marshall as well.

Maria Thayer…wow oh wow. According to Wikipedia she's almost 40, but she's still got it. Holy moly!

Ahhhh yes…back when those things flying through the sky and looked super badass were real, physical things, and not some image made by a computer.

Mallrats 2: Mallrats 'n Shit.

I'm pretty okay with this.

Season 3 is where it started to take off for me, and at the moment Season 4 remains my favorite season overall. That's when I was really, really invested.

That's true-the story with his brother tells a lot about him especially. It just overall felt a little more unfocused than other seasons, but then again, a lot of first seasons are.

I finally (FINALLY) completely caught up last night. I've been binge watching since January, starting with season 1. Am I the only person who thinks Season 1 can be largely skipped? I tried to watch several times and couldn't get through it, until I finally decided to just keep going. I was blown away by how much more

Who would get kicked in the nuts while handling out leaflets?

It doesn't even sync up very well, internet!

If you were a gas, you would be intert

You're Next to me captured the joy of an 80s slasher like no movie has in a long, long time. It was scary in parts, grotesque in others, and hilarious most of the time. I absolutely loved it.

Living in Colorado, I've been here a few times. My number one thought each time?

Ugh, why would they do The Daily Show with a woman host?! What a gimmick…

OH oh I almost forgot. Friday is…Hawaiian shirt day.

I dunno…I kinda…like 'em all, I guess.