
Score, now my Romulan costume will be more appreciated! Being a Klingon is too mainstream, you see.

God, I saw Billion Dollar Movie by myself (I don't have many friends who share the sense of humor) and had a fucking blast. I don't get the people who were irritated it wasn't like Awesome Show-I thought it was their sense of humor perfectly applied to a feature length movie.

Dennis writhing on the ground and murmuring about the fact that it didn't represent him while the credits rolled over him had me fucking rolling.


At one point Yolanda tells Chappie she finks he's freaky and she likes him a lot.

The first teaser trailer for this made it look like a move about an adorable robot who just wants to love…and then I saw the full length trailer and said "Oh wait, it's supposed to be a gritty sci-fi movie? Oh boy…"

Oy with the prices and the people who talk during the production and the stuffy air!

Love the joke, but have to admit-I am not Jewish but love Yiddish slang and in general, acting like and old Jew from Brooklyn.

Ava…I think you actually just got Boyd killed.

If that's the case, will he re-invent himself 15 years from now as a clean, family-friendly comic?

Upvoted for use of the word "schmuck".

Well you know that guy that wants everyone to hear what music he's listening to? Whether it's in the car with the windows rolled down, or the speakers pointed outside his frat house window?

So…"It's good until Schaal shows up." because you don't like her as an actress/comedian.

I loved it. Count me among those who said "Interesting…but will it work?" and ended up really, really enjoying it. Schaal's character interacts so perfectly with Forte's-I'm really looking forward to more!

Idea: keep the acting categories, and add another acting category for shit like "Best Actor for Playing Someone With Some Tragic Disability or Social Injustice"


Riki Lindhome man…classic example of a woman who is simultaneously cute as all get-out, but also "hot" as all hell.

Why don't we say July 17th and then make it your beeswax to be there on July 17th?

I literally just watched that episode last night. As soon as I saw Lane's reaction to Don telling him to resign, I knew what was coming.

My fiancee and I binge-watched Breaking Bad on Netflix to get caught up for the final half of the final season-we're talking like 7-8 hours a day. It's a heavy, heavy show to watch all day, but after watching Ozymandias, she turned to me pale as a ghost and said "I'm not sure I can watch this anymore…"