
Please Baby Jesus let Wes Anderson win…

Anyone remember that stupid faux-philosophical line about "fear being a choice"? That bugged the every loving shit out of me. Fear is an instinctual reaction, M Night.

Good. Fuck Viacom.

I went on a Disney cruise with my fiancee's family for Christmas, first time ever on a cruise. You may roll your eyes about a grown ass man going on a Disney cruise…but truth be told, it was pretty awesome. Seeing other cruise ships and the state they were in, the whole "Disney care" thing went a long way, because the

Here's to hoping their Kickstarter being successfully funded means it will be released in Denver, because I have been waiting far too long to see this!

Not defensive-like I said, I haven't even watched it yet. I just notice there's always a decent discrepancy between reviewer grade and community grade.

And as you say that, the community grade has reached a B!

Who knew Mary Steenburgen could be so quietly terrifying? My god, every scene with her and Ava was some of the highest tension I've seen on this show!

B-? Haven't even been able to watch this episode yet but I already know community grade will be at least a B+…

My fiancee is re-watching Friends on Netflix right now. I've never really watched it, but the more I see of it, the more I realize it's actually kind of annoying how it basically might as well be called "Super Rich White Friends". So the point about Ross just dropping money on a trans-Atlantic flight…makes sense.

Having not seen Amazing Spiderman 2 I legitimately thought the "I Love You" scrawled out on the bridge was from psychological spurned lover thriller…

I want Mr. Bacon origin story episode, please.

Oh yay, more superhero movies, that is terrrrriiifffic. I'm jumping for joy.

Holy shit, I love Wynn Duffy. I think I need to make a GIF of him hilariously trying to suck on his straw while he watched Boyd freak out.

I do care! I care BIG TIME!

Should I not whisper to the parent in front of me that I think they have a beautiful child?

I'm a 27 year old man and I will be seeing this by myself tomorrow afternoon.

I'll never forget how terrified I was at people rocking back and forth in their sleep.

As hipster/old-man-ish as it is for me to say, I'm oddly bummed my kids (when I have them) won't have that experience of walking through the video store and looking at movie covers, especially the ones you couldn't rent.