
Co-starring the sassy black campus safety officer from the Urban Legend films!

The day after my birthday is NOT my birthday, mum!

Anne Frank would have beliebed him!

And therefore, a ghost of that jar of maple syrup will be added to a new version of Return of the Jedi

It's funny cause uh…it's bigger. Than a normal sized hat.

As someone whose worked on a mining show…the constant GoPro POV shots killed me. Having it when Liz awkwardly shakes his hand made me absolutely lose it.

Someone at the apartment complex where I used to live had a "If you're not behind our troops, than stand in front of them" bumper sticker.

Despite there not being a picture of the gentleman in question in this article, I'm picturing the angry redneck from South Park.

"This character is already pretty funny…but what if he wore suspenders and goofy glasses, and talked like a total NERD?!"


It was all the small things adding up.

In the ultimate instance of emasculation, I took my fiancee to see this because she was dying to and missed my fantasy baseball draft, ending up with a garbage team.

I want to see this movie less and less and less every day.

Who cares what that WANKA Tom Pett-ey has to say mate?!*


So what's the deal, ya sexually active?

Ashrem Ketchum's PRNK'D!

I heard a Kyle Kinane bit on Pandora from some album that's impossible to find about Toby Keith's Bar and Grill that was one of the funniest fucking things I've ever heard…I sincerely hope it makes this special!

Ahhh you…OHHH ahhh you naht…a NACK?!

As if being a Mets fan wasn't hard enough…mwahahaha!