

What made him land on insulting their uncles, exactly?


*Claws eyes out*

One of the more disturbing moments in my life was looking across the aisle on an airplane to see a 70-ish year old woman reading this book.

For some reason, his character/performance in The Weatherman makes me think this could be great…

He's coming to Denver and NOT playing the Pepsi Center? I am DOUBLE in!

A year from now, I'll in a fetal position in the corner rambling like a mad man about Justified "Nah nah nah it's coming back man…it's coming back it's GOTTA COME BACK MAN I NEED MY FIX"

Found Footage Fest is so fucking great. I saw their show a couple years ago and probably haven't laughed that hard since.

I fucking loved it. I think it helped reading the book before, though my fiancee who hadn't could understand it just fine. I can see how this film can be polarizing (just like The Master) but I loved The Master as well.

Terrible job, A.V. Club!

That's right, perfect example! I was genuinely happy they all enjoyed a movie.

That, and they end up actually enjoying some of the movies-sometimes even admitting that it's not a great film but it's entertaining. They don't just completely trash everything.

I've listened to Sleepaway Camp I think 3-4 times now. The debate over who is who in the prologue of the movie is enough to make that a solid gold episode.

I liked it.

The podcast that got me into podcasts…

I haven't seen it in the longest time, but I do remember that super tense, badass nightclub scene. When Tom Cruise kicks that guy's knee out? Holllllly shit.

Man, I'll never forget when I saw the training episode of The Office. I was so crushed when Dawn rejected Tim, and really wowed at how hard I laughed at Brent's sad but selfish "Go and get the guitar."

He's definitely one of those directors that I will see whatever he puts out.

No Inherent Vice or Nightcrawler for Best Picture, but the Theory of Everything gets a nod?