
Holy shit, that was like a spiritual experience for me. I went knowing nothing except "They go on a mission to find a habitable world and save the human race" Like most of Nolan's films, I had an idea for where it was going, but no real idea of how it would get there, and it kept me glued all the way. Absolutely loved

"All rise for the honorable…"

Gotta agree on the Kelli Garner point. When she tells him in the bar that she has always been in love with him and knows she can do more than be a bartender in a divey shithole and he basically says "Whatever, go away." I thought really?!?!

Jesus, that was awful. Radcliffe did an excellent job but it wasn't enough to save the movie. That was the poster child for "I CAN'T DECIDE WHAT TYPE OF MOVIE I WANT TO BE"

It was on Fridays forever, but got moved back to Wednesdays a couple years ago. Which kinda sucks for the silly reason that I loved watching it when I was pre-gaming to go out on a Friday night.

The first movie was fun enough. Then they had a twist in the 2nd one that the scary woman in black was a dude in drag. And I just laughed and laughed.

Well I mean, who has time to watch a 5 and a half minute video these days?

I've seen the movie at midnight over a dozen times, read Greg's book, and met Greg and Tommy. So, I'm fully invested and can't escape. Have some money!

I fucking love living in Colorado.

One word:

I would watch an HBO documentary where Dave Grohl takes about what he had for lunch. I find the man that interesting and cool.

Well he did play my favorite kind of villain in Skyfall…the cold, quiet, calculating villain who shows flashes of madness but never goes "full villain"

Shit, you're right. Tucker and Dale was one I saw on a friend's recommendation and really, really enjoyed.

At least a solid B for the fact that Pete got some comeuppance this week. Holy mother of God was that satisfying. Besides, I thought Shawna/Shauna was actually quite cute.

You know what? This sounds pretty fucking fun. It's been a while since I've seen a truly good "fun" horror movie. The Evil Dead remake was so over the top it was fun I guess, but that's really all I can think of.

I had a friend today tell me "It's a full reboot. I'm not seeing it." Uh…how else do you handle it? Did they all have sex changes? Not to mention Harold Ramis…

Sorry, but I'm still sick of Coach and wish he would exit again. It's getting a little crowded in here…

I'll admit it's felt almost like a "chore" to watch this show each week. I enjoyed it but it became the show that sits on your DVR and you think "Shit…guess I should watch that."

And the worst part is, you'll be forced to go see it!

I love horror movies and they rarely truly scare me. But there's a part in the trailer for this movie where the woman is standing in the nursery, and sees a creepy little girl in the room across the hall. Door starts to close on it's own…then suddenly it's burst open and it's a full grown woman SCREAMING and running