
That's a DVD cover quote if I've ever seen one!

*Possible spoiler*

Hey guys-

My fiancee is dumbfounded about why I want to put ALL my music on my iPhone, and why I get super frustrated when I'm excited to add more music and it tells me it's full.

Well, I was supposed to go the Found Footage Festival last night, but I'm sick as all hell and so congested I can barely breathe, so that was out.

This is what happens when I skim articles at work…I'M SORRY SEAN!!

Every time I hear about Ja Rule, I think about Dave Chappelle's hilarious/completely on point bit about news outlets asking random celebrities what they think of a tragedy like it matters.

My uncle met with her once to talk about doing a TV show-he says she insisted on just meeting at her house, where she offered him plenty of food and basically acted like everybody's sweet grandma. He told me she was one the nicer, more genuine people he ever met in the entertainment industry.

"Greg, can you come in here for a moment please?"

This will surely affect their position on my friendship graph…

That fucking "Human" song is so god awful. I've got a weird thing about The Killers in that I hate verging on loathe some of their songs (Mr. Brightside anyone?) But really like others. I've been getting into "Smile LIke You Mean It" again and it sounds silly, but I really like the bridge, with lines like:

"…great dialogue. It's so nuanced, and the writing is top notch."

Here's my thing with Eli Roth…I HATE his movies. Having said that, I admire the fact that he knows his shit and that deep down, he's a major film geek. He seems like a fun guy to have a beer with and chat about film, but I'll never really like his movies.

I can tell you're a big Eli Roth fan, Katie!

That was my sincere hope in reading this headline. BOOOOOOO filmmakers!

Jesus…I was either cringing sharply or laughing my ass off the whole time. His reveal of the bulletin board at the movie theater? Almost had to pause I was laughing so hard.

I remember seeing The Lion King at the MALL and going to the arcade afterwards to play Mortal Kombat when I was 7. It was so long ago and the mall where we went to see it is no longer there-combined with the fact that I haven't been to a mall like that (huge, indoor space with fountain and everything) in forever gives

If I Stay…past 45 minutes this movie theater won't give us a refund so we need to leave, like now. Because we all know she'll come out of the coma.

This show can be entertaining, as long as Chris Hardwick isn't talking/yelling. Hire a new host, make him the "Vanna" and it'll be even better.

"…even if most of the people I know who engage in it aren't really dicks about it."