
I SCREAMED my head off when I was a kid and the lightning flash reveals the person hanging from the rafters…like I think I drowned out the evil laughter

YEP. Her turning around to reveal her evil self scarred me for life when I was about 6.

Exactly…Haunted Mansion doesn't have the goddman Devil at least!

It blew my mind a little when I found out the house is just a huge facade and the ride itself is in a warehouse on the other side of the train

I went in October and thought the interactive ghosts were awesome-we had one where they vacuumed us up, and one where they swapped our heads. Pretty incredible looking!

I have an unabashed love for this ride, which is odd considering as a kid it absolutely terrified me. As an adult, I'm pretty wowed by the attention to detail, the theming, and the dark humor to it. So this better be good! (Though could it be any worse than the damn Eddie Murphy movie?!)

Reminds me of an Eminem lyric that always made me chuckle:

I love the one with the turban that says "I kill you!" because he's a muslim terrorizer! LMFAO ROTFLMAFO

Check please!

I'll be there by myself because no one I know appreciates this humor…AND I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!

So having seen it last night-yeahhh….ignore this grade and go see it. Great movie-a little more drama than action, which I actually appreciated. Unreal CGI. B+ at least for me.

I definitely agree it's a "hot moment" for Flynn and that's a big reason why. Not to take anything away from her-she's a more than competent writer.

I would still like to check out Dark Places, for sure. And I may even go back and finish Sharp Objects-very few books lose my attention and never get it back. I also started Doctor Sleep and just really did not like it/was super disappointed (The Shining is one of my all time favorite books). The Art of Fielding…I've

I really like Gone Girl and wanted to give this a read…made it about 50 pages in and just couldn't finish it. That's super rare for me, I just thought it was getting a little…absurd? But it does actually bum me out when I can't finish a book.

Captain America surprised the hell outta me-I saw it because I actually go to the movies almost once a week and it was the big one to open that weekend, but I wasn't terribly excited. I ended up loving it, I'd probably rank it as my favorite Marvel movie as a matter of fact. Great pacing, great story, characters…just

4 out of 5…much more favorable

Never said that…matter of fact, I rarely go to The Dissolve. I just don't like Dowd's reviews.

im 12 and i love green day i am so sorry about my generations music justin beiber is so bad GREEN DAY 4 EVER

Clicks review-sees reviewer, headline, and grade-immediately goes to read Keith Phipps' review on The Dissolve instead.

Clerks 3: Clerks n' Shit