
I saw the first one at a midnight showcase for my birthday last year..so fucking fun. My favorite part was when they started a sex scene complete with cheesy music, then cut without transition or establishing shot to a shootout action scene, and then flipped back and forth with hard music cuts for no reason at all.

"Dammit Token, if you keep giving him money he'll never stop!"

I've never really understood the point of speedruns, especially with this game/series. I'm replaying New Vegas and am purposefully taking my time and trying to be do every side quest the second time around. But screw that Saparilla star bottlecap quest. That might not ever be completed.

That wasn't at all what I was expecting, which is actually pretty great. Very intriguing setting and I can't wait to see where it goes. I'm short on good summer series at the moment so I'm glad this has come along!

My fiancee has never seen this (AMAZING) film and they're showing it at Alamo on 4th of July weekend…I am way too excited for her to be seeing it for the first time on the big screen. And I can't fucking wait to go buy this.

I remember seeing it and during the overhead shot of the city at the beginning, there were several "WHOA"s and excited laughter heard. Absolutely awesome.

Absolutely loved the teaser trailer, and the first full length just solidified it for me. I can't fucking wait for this movie and I will shell out $20 if I have to in order to see it in IMAX. Alright, alright, alright!

I also thought of No Country (the novel especially) when the chief was talking about resigning because he couldn't stand the inhumanity anymore. That movie is bleak (and great) but man…the book is on another level. I remember finishing it and just feeling like my soul had been crushed haha

Very much agreed-when Malvo came back to his cabin with his broken leg I said to my fiancee "It certainly would be poetic if Gus killed him!"

I'm still not convinced Lana Del Rey isn't just a Kristen Wiig character.

Him mouthing along as Dennis reads it fucking slays me every. single. time.

Noah wins.

I'm totally gonna name my band "The Shitty Dads" now

I'd love to know if they tell you beforehand to throw it softly, because I feel like if I got to throw out a first pitch, I would throw as hard as I could, versus just kind of "lofting" it in there…

First chu get the bases…

Pssssh whatever, this is a total ripoff of the Battle Royale theme park.

I look forward to the tantric sex musical number!


My friend and I still call each other "Mr. Rubber Burnerrrrr" and a "Fucked up cigarette smokin' piece a shit"

I don't care if they have a 5 minute short with all the original cast, because even that will feed my thirst!. I REALLY LIKE WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER YOU GUYS