
I picture Meg just sitting by the phone, waiting for his call. Poor (good looking) gal!

My god is "A Sky Full of Stars" a piece of shit! It's like a terrible, terrible, soft house song for the club. Just garbage.

Incredibly cinematic, for sure!

That would make sense-his reaction to Gus calling him that would certainly indicate so

Loved the way that scene was edited, with the woman on the phone being faded out to show his attention was fully turning to Molly.

Goddamn, what an episode! Loved how tense it was in parts. This show is so fucking cinematic and exciting and it just keeps getting better.

I liked the Go-Pro Zombie piece from the second one, as at least it was a cool creative way to do zombies. The alien abduction though was god awful, it was basically like a stretched out LOUD cliched horror movie trailer.

AT&T is understatedly cute in those ads, but yeah…she's pretty damn stunning!

That definitely felt like the weakest episode so far. It just kind of stalled. Shame it had to come after maybe the best episode so far…

This song is so damn much fun to play! Jack White is such a master at taking some basic 3 or 4 chords and making, fun, but unique song

I've never felt I need to boycott a movie based on the actions perpetrated by those involved, but it makes me physically ill to think about paying to see this movie. I probably will, because I'm really excited for it and have been, but the thought has been stuck in my mind, for sure.

"Well, I hope you were thinking of me."

Dave and Kath's freakout at seeing the fleece outlet had me laughing so hard I almost had to pause. Great season finale!

I had an Asian roommate who didn't understand keeping the shower curtain liner iN the shower. As a result, our bathroom would all but flood each time he took a shower. It's always the little things…

So will this be his schtick until the end of time? Random celebrities doing random things?

TJ Miller's incredibly frustrated "Mother FUCK!" when he wasn't getting through to the intern was amazing stuff

Holy shit that was great…maybe my favorite episode of the entire show so far. Everything just worked.


In fairness, the rest of the episode was actually pretty damn dull. One of those "catching up a little around the realm" episodes. I'd say B+ is fair.

I'm gonna g'head and make sure that everyone at my wedding really likes me.