
I've loved how dark it's been this season. That plane crash in episode 1? Holy shit, I laughed so hard, it was so wonderfully demented. Wayne Sklyer dying after hearing his wife get with Dr. Brule in the tub? Fucking ridiculous.


I FINALLY got around to watching this. It wasn't as laugh-a-minute as I was expecting, but overall I really enjoyed it. Great characters, great writing. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the first season!

That was a great episode, very solid all around. Maybe in my top 5. Funny, unique, and actually super engaging. I wish Kumail was in every episode, because he kills it every time!

Tyler Perry's Fuck You, It's March!

I do wonder who's at fault. I actually had Dish for a while and had to switch, and it was never once an issue with Dish. Lame.

Also, Comcast stopped my recording early, when the gun was set down. Fuck you, Comcast!

Just give Wynn Duffy his own spinoff already.

To whoever has jokingly begged Sony for more and more Smurfs movies: PLEASE STOP, YOU'VE HAD YOUR FUN!

I think it's all about Moab, Canyonlands in particular. My dad and I went camping in the fall there all the time and it was amazing-perfect time of year to go because the tourists have largely gone and the town is nice and sleepy.

Makes sense, as crazy as it is. My mom's family friend had a daughter who was unmarried at 24, and her mom was genuinely embarrassed and concerned. I'm sorry, but being a Mormon woman is messed up.

Best get that mission out of the way early though, so you can stay home and raise your six kids while your husband works! If you don't get started on popping out the converts by 22, what's the point?!

AND it's 3.2% beer!

I grew up in UT (not Mormon) and live in CO now. I think it's growing more liberal in general, SLC definitely is. Thank Thor for that…

I would argue "Walk This Way" is not RUN-DMC's best known song. And if it is in fact, and I'm just out the loop, that makes me kind of sad.

Good for you and your faaaa-ther!

I never officially dated, but had a fling with a German girl in college who was there to be an au pair. She was a really aggressive kisser and would almost yell at me if I didn't kiss back as forcefully. It was simultaneously scary and hot.

(In Funnybot voice)

I was a little "meh", and then I heard "The Sun Will Come Out" and it got me all nostalgic and slightly hopeful. And then the "like me on Facebook" gag happened and I said FUCK THIS.

For me, the fucking worst is the spot with the Twitter reactions. Because if there's one thing to convince me to watch a show, it's hyperbolic Twitter reactions from random fucking people!