
My girlfriend watches this show. I love Kat Dennings but it literally makes me cringe it's so bad. I involuntarily feel repulsed every time I watch it. Blech.

Goddamit, I'm not sure I can wait another week to see this in Denver! Time to find out if it's worth it to fly to LA just to see it.

"I need some electronics equipment. Guess I'll head to Radio Shack!"

Best Oscars in a while, IMO. Great hosting, great choices, speeches, whole thing. G'night fellow geeks!

Can't he tie with Chiwetel? Way too hard to call just one winner there, at least for me…

Matthew Mc was amazing, but I'd really like to see an upset with Chiwetel Ejiofor….

Awesome! Spike seems like such a genuine guy. Not sure I've disagreed with a single choice tonight. Lupita's win has been the highlight for me.

Still love in Catch Me If You Can when he uses the name Barry Allen and the geeky looking diner busboy points out the alias to Carl.

Also, I wish Nebraska was getting more love. I really, really, really enjoyed it. Her was great, but a little disappointing to me given the hype and not Best Picture material, IMO.

People keep talking about Gravity winning Best Picture…I loved it, but HELL NO on Best Picture. 12 Years without a doubt for me.

Just when so many of my shows are wrapping their season…Portlandia is here! YES!

How shitty is Hailee Steinfeld's agent that she goes from True Grit and the Coen Brothers to a poor man's Taken with McG?!

Yeah, I have no idea what the shooting schedule is for Justified. It would be fantastic to have her finishing on Justified and beginning on True Detective at the same time!

Brett winning that Oscar damn near made up for dozens of snubs. That was AMAZING!

Erica Tazel! She's wrapping Justified soon, I think she'd be perfect!

That's great, because one word I would use to describe Kim Jong Un and North Korea in general is "funny"!

As a wise man once said:

It really isn't that much of his material. He weaves it into what he's talking about, but it's not the only thing he uses.

I have this image of him being shot, then falling off the edge of the roof and screaming "YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" on his way down.

New Kids on the block, eh? They had a bunch of hits. Chinese food makes me sick.
Runs away, laughing maniacally