
I had literally forgotten about it until I saw that picture/caption and I just about lost my shit. At work.

"Is there grass on the field yet?!"
I am so, so sorry.

I'm not sure I've ever had a Hot Pocket. My parents refused to let me eat them. So thanks, mom and dad! Added to the list of things I hated my parents for as a kid, and now appreciate as an adult.

Trying to find the silver lining…it seems like these Olympics have really heightened and made more people aware just how majorly fucked up Russia. I even have to lump myself in with the oblvious group. Granted, I've been following the Pussy Riot stories, but goddamn, that place is messed up!

What kind of loser would pay $45 for a pop culture mug?
Thinks for literally about a second
Oh shit, I would…

I went to a used bookstore last weekend and in just browsing around, found a "children's series" section. There was entire shelf of Goosebumps books, and yes, I ended up buying one of the "Choose your own adventure" types.
Also, I remember as a kid being really scared by the sudden twist endings in Goosebumps, and now

Haters gonna hate BRO!

He's also reading "A Brief History of Time"

Just saw it. I don't think I've ever seen a movie where a scene will happen that I actually really enjoy, and the next scene is so fucking odd or just plain dumb that I'm just left staring mouth agape…repeatedly for 2 hours. Still not sure what to say.

My GF finally got me to watch Gilmore Girls (and damned if I didn't actually really like it) and it was so strange/interesting to see her play a really sweet, innocent character after seeing her play brash, ridiculous characters. It made me like her that much more, actually.

I cannot express in words how badly I want that shirt…

Well, shit. I saw the trailer and was intrigued. The lady wanted to see it too, so we thought "why not, let's go for Valentine's night at the Alamo".
Then the reviews came in.
I've made a huge mistake.

WUTEVER you must like Transformers go watch doz moviz LOL NOOB

Nailed it. The demo of commenters when I joined AVC (late-ish 2012) seemed to be something like 23+. It was all pop culture lovers born in the 80s and earlier just kinda geeking out and having fun discussions. Then came the 20 and under crowd and that all went to hell.

DMX's comments on the fight were fucking priceless, I'm sad it's not happening now.


Saw it last night. I think this critique is really valid (as is most against the film in general), but that said, I really enjoyed it for what it was. It was definitely fluff, and shouldn't be taken as historically loyal, etc. But I really don't think it was as bad as the rep it's getting.

Yeah, art is for LOSERS!

You're absolutely right. There are not nearly enough movies about the combat!

" The dark, skittish horse of the Judd Apatow Gang"
I was already having a great day. That might've made it the best day ever O'Neal!