
I had no idea he wrote a novel…it's been added to my list!

Hey, it's Neckbone!

Not to be that guy…but I can't stand "He doesn't care if you 'get' it!" It's nothing against you, personally. But that idea just puts the sour taste in my mouth even more.

I've never been to Louisiana, and I'm not one for rural environments, but hot damn…this show makes me wanna visit rural La-easy-anna. I've got this strange fascination with places that still have sprawling spaces, and this show makes it look so strangely beautiful. That's not to say Louisiana isn't a pretty place (I

It's so fucking great when a show, film, whatever just speaks to you. There are a number of shows and movies that people will ask me why I like it and I say "I just…do!" It strikes that chord within you and sticks with you, no matter how many times you see it.

The conversation between them at the church about faith was so fucking great. Just so well written and so many great points on both sides, and fun to listen to. I think overall those are 4 words I would use to describe this show (amongst other things): "fun to listen to". I'll freely admit I'm one of those people that

You mean I only get $300?!

Honest question-what do I not get about Paul F Tompkins? I've listened to his stand up and seen so many of his appearances, but I just find him insufferable for some reason. To give an idea, some of my favorite comedians are guys like Eugene Mirman, Patton Oswalt, and Brian Posehn. But for some reason this guy just

"Radioactive" winning anything=nail in coffin. Yuck.

"Remember that powerful protest song by The Rolling Stones, one of the most iconic tracks in rock history? Let's name our sappy troubled teen melodrama after THAT!"

Underworld was a really fucking fun movie. It was so over the top and gory and just fun. This is the kind of movie featuring a decapitation where someone swings a sword at someone else's neck, and it cuts away so all you hear is the unrealistic unsheathing sound of a head being severed.

This doesn't have Kate Beckinsale in skin-tight leather, so it's impossible to be better. Sorry.

Oh shit…Boogeyman. A horror film about a man literally confronting the boogeyman after it killed his parent(s?) as a child.

That's REAL prose! Thanks for making the 90s that much cooler and for more music!

I played the shit out of "Pure Frosting" on cassette when I was a kid. I started listening to these guys again and they're still awesome. AND it seems they actually post themselves on their FB page. Basically, they seem like really cool, genuine dudes.

I might bump it up slightly to C+. I thought it was a fun matinee action movie-I wouldn't pay $10 to see it, but worth a matinee price. It could've been more exciting, but I did like Pine as Jack Ryan.

*Aurora sucks

A- for Outside Dave cameo alone


I don't care what anybody says, I am really excited for this to come back.