
Oooh ooh! Do Jane with a Long Island accent!


After my enormous crush on her for a few years, that scene made me react much like John Belushi looking into the sorority house window in Animal House. Mostly the going-vacant-with-joy, falling-back-on-ladder part.

Well I thought it was more fun as a mystery. Thanks a lot, asshole!

Finally got around to watching it (a week late) Wow, that was amazing. I was already incredibly excited for it, but somehow it turned out even better than I was anticipating. I was a little confused on the progress of the investigation, but ultimately felt like it didn't matter, because I was transfixed by the

I absolutely loved Garfield as a kid, and still do. It was sad it got turned into horrible, horrible sweater, mugs, etc with terrible catchphrases. It was so much better than that.

That movie was really good…and also kind of a gut punch. No spoilers, but that actually made me feel way more sad than I was anticipating haha.

On what day did the Lord create Devil's Due, and couldn't he have rested on that day too?

Shit, that's true! They've got a new coach that was a former Avs player that everyone loves. NHL is at the bottom of the totem for me in terms of pro sports interest, but they're exciting right now.

True…but the Nuggets are notorious for bowing out early in the playoffs and are even worse without coach Karl this year (people are still mad he got the boot) and the Rockies…well, they're the Rockies.

A downvote for that? For saying it would be nice given some of the awful events that have happened here lately? Stay classy, whoever you are!

"Joe Buck" and "fine job" never belong near each other. EVER.

I live in Denver and have really become a big Broncos fan over the past few years. It's pretty great to see how excited they have the city (and the state) and in thinking about it, it'd be so great if they won it all this year-I think the people of CO could use a victory like that.

Well to you sir, I tip my cap for your admittance.

It didn't fully ruin the experience (and I won't spoil it here) but true story…when I saw the Oddball Comedy Festival, Dave Chappelle straight up spoiled a very shocking moment in Breaking Bad's Ozymandias. I was still catching up at the time…so I was a little pissed. I mean, I love Dave Chappelle. But dude, not cool.

Let us not forget about Jenny Slate!

"You need to stop exercising your body…and start exercising your MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND! I lost it at how shrill that was…

Don't be that guy. Nobody likes that guy.

I agree that it had all the elements, for sure. Amazing direction, incredible performances, beautiful cinematography, etc.

Did someone downvote that because they think I'm an asshole for saying that a movie about slavery? Why does that deserve a downvote? Whatever.