
I know he has a lot of really intelligent, thought-provoking comedy, but I'll be damned if the "I HATE" joke doesn't remain quite possibly my favorite.

I didn't really mind it, but if it wins Best Picture over 12 Years, I'm not gonna fuckin' believe it.

I'm a little appalled 12 Years A Slave didn't get a Best Cinematography nom. That movie looked BEAUTIFUL. I know if you haven't seen the move, that sounds like a terrible thing to say…but it did.

Just Redbox'd (that's a word, right?) this movie. Holy shit that was fun! The GF didn't like it as much as I did because she wanted it to be more scary, but I loved how darkly funny it became. One of the final kills (no spoilers, but you know what I mean if you've seen it) had my laughing my ass off, as did the very

B- for me, I actually thought it was the best one of the series. I found the characters much more interesting, and the setting-maybe that's because it wasn't the whole "Upper middle class white folks" thing. I'm not Latino and I don't live in LA but somehow it was much more…relatable? Also, when I got home PA3 was on

"My general rule is, you keep talking, I put you in the trunk."

The way he came up with Fabrice Fabrice is pretty great. I really envy people that can work something up that quickly. Also, I'm glad he's really taking off-he's hilarious and actually really talented. Can't wait for Season 2 of Kroll Show to start tonight!

Sounds like a Tracy Jordan vehicle to me!

Also, is the Joker gonna like torture animals in anticipation of who he becomes? Or will he become Joker cause he gets a wedgie or some such similar bullshit?

Oh awesome you guys! Now we get to see Batman have all the same high school problems we faced! I mean, remember how hard it was to ask that pretty girl to the prom? And the peer pressure of drinking that keg beer? NOW WE GET TO SEE BRUCE WAYNE DO IT OMFG

Spike Jonze is a super fascinating dude to me. The same guy who has made some of the best music videos of all time and some great movies was also an on-off crew member with Jackass. But I think that's why I like him-he's like the cool dude you went to film school with who has made really great stuff but doesn't let it

I liked her a LOT more in Her. On a shallow level, because I thought somehow she looked better more understated with blonde hair. On a performance level, because her character was much more interesting to me. *Shrug*

I really enjoyed it, but it wasn't a solid A to me. About a B+ for me. Still agree it's one of the best of the year, though.

"Who threw that?! Come on, who throw that egg?"

Ah….the old "I haven't seen this but I know everything about it" guy

So that's a no? Yes, it is. It's subtle scary and builds in a very clever way.

C+ my ass, this was a great little movie. B+ at least. Really great film about relationships, especially father-son, growing old, times changing. Very authentic.

Don't be queeah dood!

I've always wanted to drink somewhere where everything is overwhelmingly phallic!