

Actually, it's successful because it has a taut atmosphere that builds over the course of the movie. Have you even seen it?

He just kind of cuts in, and doesn't really gel with the rest of the cast. He sticks out like a sore thumb…

"I think he bumped his head…"

Also, having just finished it…that hardly felt like a B+ to me. C range in my opinion…just kinda bland

Can we end the Coach experiment now, please?

Also, I only know the villain as the creepy dude from Prisoners. You wonder if the guy's agent calls him and says "Good news! I got ANOTHER creepy sociopathic killer role for you!"

How very smart of them to react to a bomb by thinking "Let's charge in full force announcing we're the police! Never mind the fact that he could remotely explode it when we get near!"

She can play my saxophone ANYTIME!

In the interest of quality, you should remove The Day After Tomorrow and add The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Reminds of this guy I went to college with and was in the film studies department with. He thought he was really hot shit and really cool for going against the grain in terms of what was "good film". He was the kind of person that would ask you what your favorite movie was and then go "PSSSH are you serious?! That

Uh….going out on a limb, probably because there's nothing "entertaining" about either subjects…

I saw an afternoon show, and was the youngest in the audience by almost 40 years I'd guess. And it was a great audience, very quiet (minus understandable gasps of shock, etc). One of those audiences where when the credits started rolling at the end, we all just kind of sat there in silence.

You really wanna describe it that simply? Really?

A- for me. Really, really enjoyed it, on some personal level that I can't describe. Just one of those films. Maybe my 2nd favorite movie this year I've seen so far.

He was the owner/head guy at the penny stock firm towards the beginning

Oh I forget to mention-there was a kid around 10-11 right next to me who was clearly unbelievably restless. He was with his parents too. He kept taking his phone out, which pissed me off at first, then I realized I was more pissed at his mom, because he was clearly uncomfortable and restless. Some fucking people…

I'm proud to announce the Parents of the Year award to the folks who brought their SEVEN YEAR OLD with them to this movie! Way to go guys, great call there!

I guess those people from Facebook who called and threatened to cancel A&E won-all 200 of them! Nice work guys!

I was laughing so hard during the Doby song I had tears in my eyes. My girlfriend was chuckling, but that's about it. I'm still not sure why it made me laugh so hard, but holy shit…it was amazing. I also loved the scene where he tells his son "Stay away from Voodoo. That shit is real!"