
Touche, sir.

Arrow, but not Justified?….Really?!

Yeah, I definitely get that. And admire them for not backing down. Seriously, it's really inspiring

Admittedly, I should've done something about it. But I was in the middle of the row in a sold out show and didn't feel like fighting my way out. I was also with my GF, who for some reason doesn't like when I confront people (politely) about it. If I were by myself, I would've left and asked for a rain check pass.

Great news! Now that you're out of prison, may I offer getting the fuck out of Russia? I know, easier said than done, especially when it's your home. But damn, you deserve better!

First of all, excellent avatar. I'm picturing Jerri Blank going through a box and finding a gun, a stack of money, and a KKK hood.

No problem! It's a decently balanced article for that site…

The FB page also has a lot of people saying "Call you provider and cancel A&E!!!!" I snicker at that because I'm pretty sure you can't cancel ONE channel in this day and age…

I say we release a new version of the bible that just mentions all the stuff about the gays!

Apparently A&E might be "suspending" him from the show, which is of course angering a lot of folks on Facebook. They're throwing around "WHAT HAPPENED TO FREE SPEECH?! THEY TOOK IS JEB!"


If I had it my way I would…the lady works early during the week, so we're waiting until Friday so we can go all out.

This Friday, I'm going to the Alamo Drafthouse to drink awesome beer, stuff myself with awesome food, and laugh my fucking head off at this. And it's gonna be AWESOME

Frank Darabont just has a way of attracting shitty luck, between this and when he completed an entire script for Indy 4, and after Spielberg liked it, Lucas straight out said "Nope, I don't even want changes. I don't want it at all."

Great episode, that kicked the series up a notch and was a really good demonstration of humor and drama. I found the android's storyline more compelling than the organ transplant storyline, which kind of ran out of steam. In any case, this episode struck a great balance and it locked me in as a viewer of the series in

Slight spoilers

Great movie. One scene that made me tense up and audibly gasp was when

I love the scene where they're discussing what to call the robot/androids, and Nick Frost deciding "fuck it" and getting trashed, then punching through the door on the way out

Absolutely, the panic of trying to find an ATM with not one in sight is definitely something we've all experienced.

His 2 minute long angry name calling of his boss was absolute perfection. It makes me want to stand up and applaud every time!