
I watched Christmas Vacation with my girlfriend-she had never seen it. I haven't seen the whole thing myself in a few years, but found I still really enjoy it. I feel like if it weren't a Christmas movie, it's faults would be easier to criticize, but it's got that cheesy spirit to it that keeps me coming back.

I'm probably pretty alone here, but I thought that movie was decent fun. Not a very good movie by any means, but I'm not sure it deserved the horrible rep it got.

Another great scene!

It is almost…funny how ignorant she is. I mean, she's at least not donating to anti-gay organizations or anything (to my knowledge) so technically it's "harmless" (her kids know better), but she's so classically Southern ignorant in everything she says is in that "aww-shucks" tone, but it's so…terrible!

Did the person who downvoted me think I was serious, or angry that I was joking about the lack of penis in the show? We may never know…

Three scenes from Frances Ha I loved (it was my favorite I've seen so far this year, though I have yet to see 12 years, American Hustle, and Inside Llewyn):

Let's hope the opening shot of season 2 is a slightly out of focus bedroom, and Masters walks into the shot in focus hanging dong.

Jane is officially my favorite. Her telling off the doctor that called out Virginia, and her adorable interaction with the cinematographer was so great.

If you haven't, watch The Raid: Redemption. There's a brutal looking martial arts fight towards the end and the camera is completely stationary. You see every blow, hear every cruch…amazing action piece. And a great action movie in general!


I nominate "Whitney The Snapper":

Literally every single time I've seen the trailer in front of a movie, in between the end and the next trailer there are several audible laughs and "Are you serious?!" heard

"Haters wanna hate…lovers wanna love….I don't even want none of the above! I want to piss on you!"

So…he decided to take on a horrible, horrible, horrible moody Frankenstein action movie to bail out on this interesting story? YA DUN GOOFED.

If they replace the "Weird Al on the plane" gag with someone like Justin Beiber, I will hunt them down.

Hearing Clyde deadpan "My bitch…" was amazing

Pope Francis cutting in to say it's only Sting that turns blue was super unexpected and made me laugh so hard I almost had to pause. Solid A- for me, strong finish to this season.

*Sees C grade. Checks to see if it's a Dowd review. Shakes head sadly*

Yeah. I was in the shit.

It's fun to judge a person and their show based on ONE talk show appearance!