
"We both have a really dark and obscene sense of humor, which my publicists tell me I have to tone down."

"I should warn you, men only come here to get there FUCKY fuck on."

The MPDG is a great way to put it. Another thing I was saying to my girlfriend was that for a show with really good writing and fleshed out, interesting characters, Jess stuck out like a sore thumb. "I wear leather jackets and my mom hates me so I have to live with my uncle…I don't care about anybody or anything! I

Well, I finally decided as a good boyfriend I should watch Gilmore Girls with the lady as it's her favorite show and she goes on about it. I'll admit I'm enjoying it. Just started season 3-but I hate, hate, HATE the Rory-Jess story. It's supposed to kinda cutesy, whatever…but when a girl has a boyfriend, blows him

South Park did a great take on her role in the first Thor movie. They kind of parody the movie and she just stands around and acts very "cutsey" but never really does anything. They nailed it…

I saw this tonight having seen most of what I felt was worth seeing…I have to say, it actually really surprised me and I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than I was anticipating. I like it way more Iron Man 3. Yeah, I said it.

I remember my dad taking me to see this. I had no idea what it was about and when he said a bobsled team I just said "What's bobsled?!" He said something like "You'll find out, I think you'll like it." Good call dad!


Spielberg has a knack for making movies that, to me, are just as exciting to watch the 20th time as they were the first-particularly this and Raiders of the Lost Ark. I got to see both on the big screen this past year (Raiders in IMAX) and I was like a kid again. Fucking awesome!

They do and it KICKS ASS

Also, interesting the whole video store story come on the day that it was announced all remaining blockbusters are closing. The good news is, living in a kickass city like Denver means there are excellent indie video stores that kick much ass.

The McPoyles are so great…I actually kind of want them to have a spinoff. Having them send for the wrong "Bruce" was a really hilarious touch too. C+ my arse!

Just finished it. Wow, that was great! I've been waiting incredibly eagerly since it was first announced to read it, and it somehow surpassed my expectations. It's such a cliche to say a book is "moving" but damn, this really was. I really do look at Wiseau as a modern day Ed Wood, in that sense that this book

I legitimately want that Star Destroyer painting-badass, yet also oddly beautiful

it's a very, very cruel joke to have a Dexter notification lead to "What's On Tonight". That was a national nightmare I WANT TO FORGET

I can't remember who in particular he was interviewing-I think it was the head of NBC news or something, but at the end of the interview Cohen got him to say "Mad props to the hood yo!" which was immediately followed by "What in God's name?!" A stick out moment for me. Fucking hilarious.

The random stunt double scene was a standout for me. Just how they had trouble agreeing what the problem was, Galifianakis falling down the stairs again…the ending was pretty perfectly abrupt, too.

The forced exposition that Charlie's blonde haired henchman had a twin was my favorite….him looking at that picture, and the flashback. Too great.

You guyyyyyyyyyys! It's funny because they're old! They have no business being wild and crazy in Las Vegas like the young folk! But they ARE! Ahhhhhhhh!