
Yeah, I got some last words…go suck an egggggggggggg!

Holy fuck Lethal Weapon 6 is tonight?! I've had the shittiest week in history, but it's all gonna be okay now!

Yeppppp! They give him/her a super cliched backstory about being a boy whose mother wishes he was a girl, so she forces him to dress and act like a little girl. So of course, when he gets older he turns into a serial killer that dresses like a woman.

I saw Insidious 2 (I was bored, okay?) and SPOILER ALERT the creepy old woman in the black veil is a dude in drag. Yeah, really. Kind of ruins the creepiness.

Well, that Alien scene will never fail to give me the heebie jeebies. Psycho too. The latter is one that actually scares me to watch when I'm home alone…

"I like to call Garth the 'Orson Welles' of horror. And that's not just because of his weight!"

Just saw it, I would give it a B-. I just finished the book a few weeks ago. I think this version did a great job of matching King's pace in the book. Julianne Moore was the standout to me, as she played Margaret White as a batshit insane woman, but not the type of batshit where she's just screaming the whole time.

To each their own indeed, sir!

Damn…props to you! I love caving, but have never tried true spelunking. That 90 degree crevice made my stomach lurch just reading about it…I might have been the one to freak out haha.

Yes! The terror of them not knowing that he was stuck and pulling as hard as they can…and he just can't reach. That really rattled me.

Absolutely! I'm super claustrophobic…when the one woman nearly gets caved in I was, honestly, petrified.

I agree! I was expecting to be entertained, but it really, really stuck with me. It was very haunting and stirring.

In terms of plane crash scenes…the crash scene in The Grey really, really shook me. It's the realest feeling plane crash scene I've ever seen, I almost had to leave the theater. That's my non-horror movie moment.


As a Red Sox fan (prepares to dodge tomatoes), I have to wonder if this World Series will be even half as exciting as the ALCS. I'm more than happy with last night's result, but it didn't have the tense/exciting feeling of the Tigers series. We'll have to see, I guess.

Just now watched it…definitely the hardest I've laughed at Sunny in a long time. Which is not to say this season hasn't been funny (it really has), but this was so laugh-a-minute. Charlie's drawing almost made me pause because I was laughing so hard. Mac freaking out when the woman sneezed (coughed) at the store was

People like you are the worst.


I often wonder if I'm the only person on planet Earth who isn't completely ga-ga for The Incredibles…I mean, I'm not saying it's bad movie. It's a good movie. But people just completely gush about that movie, and I'm like "Eh, I enjoyed it, but I don't worship it…"

I got a "Game of Thrones" notification for this? No, really though, this is what we call a "Cool story, bro" story.