
Wynn Duffy is a character I actually hope never dies-he's such a fun foil for Raylan and their interactions are great. Wynn often scares the shit out of me, which is why I love the scenes where Raylan takes him down several pegs. That scene with Raylan firing the gun with one bullet and his reaction? Hilarious.

HEY-OOOOOOO! What's up bitches?!

“I thank God for the strength to make it through this far,” Feldman concluded of his struggle that God has been busy helping him with, thereby explaining Syria.
*Starts slow clap*

HA! I do feel ashamed for not remembering that South Pasadena is it's own city separate from LA.

I'm seeing the show in Denver in a few weeks…gonna be super pissed if people do this. At least it won't happen during Flight of the Conchords :/

I'll tell you who will buy a ton of tickets to this movie…THIS GUY RIGHT HERE:

I lived in LA for a summer, and South Pasadena in particular. Turns out I lived about 3 blocks from where Lorraine's house was in 1955. The house looks a little different, but I think the tree that George falls out of was still there. That was fun.

Hey dood, at least you don't have ta play that total QUEEH Supahman!

Also, the vinyl LP is awesome. Side 1 is just an evil eye. The whole track listing is on side 2.

Agreed. The fact that the radio edit of The Fallen cuts out that awesome opening note with the strong feedback almost ruins the entire thing…

I'd not quite place it as their best, but I would place it above the self titled

I've listened through 3 times now-first time was just to get an idea for it, second time I was picking up more on it…third time I was in love with it. Excellent mix of sounds, great lyrics, and still fun as hell.

I said to my GF that I wished Raylan would invade this show, have his usual badass dialogue, and then kill Dex and Hanna.

"1. Harrison: I wish Hannah could be my mom!
I liked it so much better when this kid couldn't talk."
*Cue sitcom audience AWWWWWWWW*

Thrill as Deb and Hanna eat salad together! Chill as Harrison tells Deb he knows how to write his name! Gasp as Dexter uses hilarious age projecting software!

Hey, you gotta sway those True Blood viewers somehow!

"I got a GOT notification for a Wizard of Oz show?!"

Very much agreed! Another tight, moving, funny script.

Loved it, also gave it an A-. Hot Fuzz is still my favorite of the trilogy, but this was utterly fantastic. Incredibly well written in the way it builds and builds, to one of the better finales I've seen in a movie.