
I for no reason at all just now thought of the sketch where Farrell was on Weekend Update as a political commentator with this horrible loud, monotonous voice. And I laughed.

Handled very tastefully. Well done sir!

Ummmm…I forgot to mention that was um…the deal I would've given him?

Old man moment: I watched about 30 seconds, decided "This hurts my ears!" and turned it off.

Aziz Ansari getting paid more than Lena Dunham=great day

That scene honestly makes me sometimes want to not watch Shaun of the Dead, as much as I love that movie. It's a rather rare horror-movie-person-close-to-protagonist death that actually really hurts. Right in the feels!


I always thought I was the only person who liked Hot Fuzz more than Shaun of the Dead, but in the weeks leading up to The World's End, I am glad to find this is not the case!

I'm seeing the whole trilogy at the Alamo Drafthouse tonight…cannot fucking wait!!

And he turns around, and he tips his cap….like that.

I can't count the number of times I've passed Sweet Action without stopping in. And I always feel stupid about it later.

Will they learn to love? I can't wait to find out!

The "awkward flirting…" part is what really, really irritates me about these series. Quite possibly my least favorite part of any writing is a forced love interest that's there just to have one.

The first time I saw this show, I was flipping channels and stopped on it. The scene I entered in the middle of was a bonfire orgy.

My girlfriend watches this show. I sees snippets of it when she watches it and I just…I just don't get it. It is way too fucking weird and well, silly. How is this going on still?!

A few Halloweens ago, I went out as a "70s cop"-just did a big bushy fake mustache, tan slacks, brown checkered shirt, badge, hair all feathered up. It was really just "generic 70s cop", but 90% of people I saw said "Cop from the Sabotage video, nice!"

I hadn't heard of this, but it sounds absolutely intriguing. There's something fascinating to me about theme parks, and Disney parks in particular. There's such a focus and obsession on detail and creating the most ideal versions of everything from Pirates to the Wild West.

Yeah, it was kind of funny that I was reading it thinking "This isn't very 'King'". And then the ending happened, but I just grinned and said "there it is…"


Even though I don't know much of her music, I might have to see her when she comes to CO. I hear she puts on a great show very naturally-great voice, great dance moves. Refreshing!