
I don't fully understand the question…

I chose the wrong time to take a sip of tea. Damn you O'Neallllll!


Did we learn nothing from Sir Mix-Alot? Silicone parts are made for TOYS!

I met her after a show once, and can confirm she looks even better in person.

GOD DAMMIT that's stuck in my head now!

They decided to get rid of the last "O" in Colorado?

Nothing will ever beat this reaction, for me:


Hi. Not you.

Hoooooray deserving movie being #1! Hooooray garbage Disney franchise attempt tanking!


So they end the cliffhanger with Hanna poisoning Dexter and Deb, so we think "Oh no, he's got a big adversary for the end of the show!"

Alright, it's Sunday! That means it's time to have Dexter on in the background while I do more important things!

Okay, apparently I'm one of few who really liked it. I gave it a B.

Harrison Ford is officially America's grumpy grandpa

If I'm ever at the doctor's office and happen to see a poster with the sections of the brain, "Urge To Eat A Whole Goddamn Pizza Ville" will be added in, whether they like it or not.

Quite possibly my favorite bit from the show. Dave's ignorance in combination with Murray's pronunciation of "e"s as "i"s is amazing. Like how Murray says "pen" like "pin"

"No, you didn't kill me, but I was very badly disfigured!" laughed the boy.

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