
Also, if I may piggyback, her'es a favorite AWKWARD date story of mine.

As someone who did online dating for 2 years before meeting my current GF (who is amazing)…I know how it goes. It can be simultaneously amusing and frustrating as all hell. Are you just doing free sites for now?

I love it when he starts to lose it, you can tell he's having a blast

"Comedy hipster"?

Ehhhhhhhhh….Tig would be doing her usual smart, well-timed set and then Amy would bust in and be like "OMG YOU GUYZ I AM SUCH A WHORE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"

No moleste.

Mine's the sun, cause it's like the king of the planets!

Side stepping the first obvious reply…come on man, don't you get this song was MADE for the end of indie movie trailers that feature quirky montages?!?!

"I think it's kind of silly to decide not to see a movie if a critic you like says it's bad, and if those guys spend forty minutes shitting on two-hour movie, why would you have any reason to want to watch the movie?"

Hey, there was the bold warning…"cool story bro time" never translates to a good story.

Cool Story Bro Time:

Well I mean it's not an ultimate deciding factor, but it makes me re-think a little bit. I still plan on seeing it.

Well, thank you sir! It would certainly be a dream realized, though I'm not sure I'd have THAT much interesting stuff to say…

@avclub-ca6cb47da12090ffd2470daf51f71be1:disqus Well, I almost always agree with their opinion and they broke it down in a very constructive way, sooooooo…why not?

"So, action Gus? Or…"

I was on the fence about seeing Man of Steel, and then I watched Red Letter Media's review and they hated it, and laid out very well why they thought it was so bad. That made me decide not to see it.

I've wanted to see this as a weekend matinee, one of those trips to the movies as an excuse to chow on popcorn and escape in A/C for two hours. It's got an abysmal percentage on RT, but B- makes me think I'll spend the $6 matinee price after all.

"Who's Lou Reed?"

Right, I would not argue that haha. What I mean is, he's not very good at making it sound natural. It feels like someone clearly reading fed information.

I work generally in post, but never really get my hands on editing.