
Mwahaha! A lot of stuff we shoot out of state. We used a studio to shoot Food Network Challenge when we produced that…

A very good point.

I watch a lot of raw footage, and it's interesting how exacerbated people get at the end of a long day when producers ask them to do it "one more time"

Part of it is definitely working with people who are deemed "interesting" by casters/producers, but are NOT made to work for TV, with long hours, multiple takes and set ups, etc.

I want hamburger, no, I want a hot dog. I want…nachos, I want…potato chips!

I work in reality TV, but never watch it. The reason I work in it is because where I live (Colorado), it's really the only way to get into the industry at a big level. Only very small, independent companies make scripted stuff here.

His stand up isn't amazing, but his spot roles always kill it. I loved his scene in The 40 Year Old Virgin and he had a great cameo in This Is The End

So what are the A.V. Club's thoughts on Kevin Hart?

Sooooooooo….you're out of our pact that involves jumping off that building?

Yeah…I was gonna say, he looks about 14 in this picture.

@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus You are in fact correct, I continue to get them mixed up…

@avclub-1a7c2ef0e8b01a0111af33d310e7c4f5:disqus That's what REALLY pissed me off about Season 7. As soon as SPOILERS

In looking to re-watch that clip, I found this gem too:

I didn't hate 5 like a lot of people did, but it certainly wasn't great. 6 is just plain awful though, almost to the point of being insulting.

Yeah I'm actually fully caught up, but season 5 was the last we watched so we're renting/watching 6/7. I loved the first half of 7, and really did not like the second half.

M'lady is catching up on Dexter before the final season, starting with season 6. I'm watching it with her…and remembering how God fucking awful this season is…

Twice in half an hour I get stares in the office from laughing.

Well, at least he didn't call him a Limey…right?

This Friday afternoon has been absolutely crawling, and then O'Neal comes along and makes it all okay :)

Captain Planet, he's a hero!
Gonna take the bad guys down to zero!
mumbles the rest of the lyrics…