
DY: Well, I’m going to choke the life out of him before he reaches 69.

I remember when this guy took off on the Youtubes and people thought he was hilarious, and I just stood there thinking…really?

That picture makes her look like a cyborg is attempting what these humans call "crying"

O'Neal, thank you for two things:

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus I've heard nothing but amazing things about them, so they are definitely on my radar.

Confession that leads to angry mob time:

"I took the hit that I was given and…I bumped again?"

This quite possibly marks the first time I'm excited to read about a sequel being made.

Agreed-I'm not a huge fan of their music in general (it's not bad, just not my taste) but damn these guys are just…cool! In watching interviews with them they're just, I don't know. They're cool.

Agreed! The last scene with her and Benji was perfectly ambiguous  and actually quite realistic

I can't wait for 3 more hours of narrowly avoiding a scary situation, followed by dwarves being whacky, followed by padding from literature outside the actual book The Hobbit, followed by MORE scary situations being narrowly avoided…

I have a very strong fascination with abandoned places, and the fact that there were just…left there. Not to get all hippy, but I feel like when you visit those places you can still "feel" remnants of what was there.

Ha! You enjoy genuinely funny improvisational comedy? LO-SER

I feel like shortly after this was taken his mother said something like "That Kanye seems like a nice boy Aziz, you should invite him to your birthday party!"

Well said all around, especially on Maya. The moment of her breaking down a little at the end was really haunting, and I was trying to put a finger on why exactly.

Well said all around, especially on Maya. The moment of her breaking down a little at the end was really haunting, and I was trying to put a finger on why exactly.

The raid on the compound was fucking incredible, and is now one of my favorite sequences in cinema ever. You could hear a pin drop in the theater. Unreal how good it was.

The raid on the compound was fucking incredible, and is now one of my favorite sequences in cinema ever. You could hear a pin drop in the theater. Unreal how good it was.

I loved it, honestly. I will admit I choked up. The church scene, seeing characters back together, etc-honestly, I thought it was all quite moving. I still hate people who whine about all the mysteries not being solved because when it comes down to it, the whole show was about the characters!

I loved it, honestly. I will admit I choked up. The church scene, seeing characters back together, etc-honestly, I thought it was all quite moving. I still hate people who whine about all the mysteries not being solved because when it comes down to it, the whole show was about the characters!