
The guy is seriously like a cartoon character from a 1920s pamphlet scribbled by bored, half-drunken Marxists come to life.

Truly, this is the darkest timeline.


I think we're honestly dealing with him being a moderately functioning sociopath and the fact that he has wealth plus social media presence is what separates him… from your garden-variety type historically that would just, say, kidnap a couple kids before getting the chair.

I'd like to apologize on behalf of all white people with big ears plus curly hair that twists to the side for Shkreli. We can be better than this. We are better than this. We should be better than this.

We have an internet troll President. God help us.

Don't forget 'claptrap'!

It's still fascinating to me how so many conservatives look at a play that's directly centered on the idea that solving political problems through violence is a terrible, nasty idea and somehow think that it's "assassination propaganda".

Even as somebody who liked this movie, the RedLetterMedia take down of it is perfect, I can't help but admit.

It's aggressively stupid as far as basic story-telling goes, and yet I wound up somewhat liking it. It's goofy, silly, paint-by-numbers, and the like, but there's plenty of fun to be had. Seeing Cruise going through all of this is really entertaining. Feels like a weirdly pumped up version of a 70s/80s b-movie.

For fuck's sake, America is cursed under these bullshit legal rules where the powerful do things that are terrible, yet they can't get called out due to non-disclosure agreements. It's not just here. That's also something that's plagued the regular people fucked over by BP before and after the Deepwater Horizon

I'm glad that he was able to get out all of these thoughts. Saying something genuine and sincere even if it's hard to form the raw emotions into coherent words. As has been said many times, Cornell will be greatly missed for a long time.

But then fetishes in general make very little sense.

'Porm' sounds like it would be a delicious fruit beverage.

Canada, Japan, the U.K., and many other developed nations often have extremely violent movies get popular (including U.S. created ones) yet their overall rates of criminal violence is far below the American statistics. Focusing on pop culture alone is missing for the forest for the trees. The U.S. has a general

It wasn't funny at all, and it's good that he apologized.

I don't agree with firing Maher over this, but as far as first amendment principles go "being fired" =/= "being sued, jailed, gag ordered, etc".

Frankly, if he'd been fired after claiming that goat milk can help cure HIV several weeks back, then I'd be all for the axing.

>"I’m a 1st Amendment absolutist."

I'm seriously curious how people here would've reacted had the exact same exchange happened only it was Tucker Carlson interviewing the Republican politician. Same words. Same everything. But the bow-tie wearing guy (first who comes to mind when I try to think of as 'the conservative version of Bill Maher', but I'm