
As with the death of Muhammed Ali, it may be difficult at first for people of recent generations to get just what Gregory's fame and widespread appeal represented for changing racial attitudes in the United States. Regardless of whatever one thinks of his comedy, the man truly was at the front of major social

I mean, well… we're at such a fucked up point in the U.S. political spectrum now that basically being anti-white-nationalist, anti-intentionally-starting-a-war-for-ratings, anti-global-economic-meltdown-via-default, et cetera makes you 'left-wing'. Today, Mitt Romney, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., and [take your

'Incompetent and amoral' is far better than 'somewhat competent and deliberately enjoying making other suffer', though.

We didn't really need the de facto confirmation from Bannon that Trump is a sociopathic monster who's default lack of morality is a problem keeping him from functioning as a basic human being, let alone as President, but… I guess I'm glad to have the confirmation. Although saying that Trump has a "natural tendency" to

Damn, Polanski looks so much like Bannon lately… or is it the other way around?



This is actually a great parallel. Modern Germany and other nations in central Europe don't have statues of people who fought in World War II for the Axis Powers, even if the soldiers served in a way that was "trying to do one's duty" and made an effort to avoid atrocities… those countries understand the purposes of

History is probably going to look back to the likes of Ike and Gerald Ford even more positively as they're seen today.

Good point!

>old short adventure serials

There are a lot of genuinely funny Let's Plays and mocking take-downs of video games that are well worth watching.

There's a lot of dark things that happen all over the world, particularly in the U.S., but still countless examples exist of the notion that "the arc of history bends toward justice".

Kinison's appearance on Married With Children was amazing.

It's not "pulp" but if we're talking about World War II era and earlier cartoon artworks in serialized storytelling, what about the works of Herge? Adventures of Tintin?

In the vein of Negativland, what about trying to explain Pere Ubu's masterpiece 'Dub Housing' to regular fans of standard pop/rock/rap music?

"Why are those tentacles moving towards her belly button? And her nostrils? Those holes aren't even sexual in the slightest… oh, oh-wow-oh-seriously, they really did it!"

When I was younger, my parents really didn't get my love for the original 1960s Adam West Batman TV show and film. I still don't think they do. But then… parents, am I right? R.I.P West, you were such a damn treasure.


Have people brought up the furry fandom yet? That's… awkward. To say the least.