Jeff R.

Material Issue- Trouble

Leonard Cohen- The Partisan

Tom Lehrer- "The Old Dope Peddler"

Humor based on the hilariousness of human flatus. But that's not important right now.

The first words of 2017 are going to be "Hold my beer".

The sheer amount of combined hipsterism it must have taken to keep Lemonade off this list is staggering when you think about it.

Worst Omission/required Write in this year goes to The Stone Roses as Anticipated album. (Second place Jerusalem for Book.)

How are they numbering them? I mean, Supergirl's earth was the third one that they went to or the fourth one that they met people from, so it should be -3, -4, or -2.5. -38 should be right out.

Predicting right now: The next episode will open with "Two Years Later". Everyone in different jobs, Karev dealing with bureaucratic stuff, Owen and Amelia with a baby, someone conscpicuously absent and not talked about at all, and we won't find out most of what happens after this episode until the episode before the

The biggest problem with the movies is that their directors all shipped Harry/Hermionie hard, even well beyond the point where the published books had made it clear that was never going to happen. That alone is reason we should get a remake of the whole thing someday…

Also, retrocactive what the hell record companies that passed on distributing Various Positions in the US at the time?

Play Anthem instead.

Nah, the movie that predicted Trump was Bob Roberts.

Every year, fewer and fewer people are willing to answer an unsolicited land-line phone call with a blocked call id. And those people are getting weirder and weirder relative to the average person. The amount of massaging the data required to make them represent the public at large has gotten heroic, and has reached

Wait, which season is its most celebrated, then? Because I don't see any case makable for any season other than 4. (2 might come close, but the boneheaded choice to completely ignore the cliffhanger rather than keeping jack up 48 hours both ruined season 3 and tainted 2 in retrospect.)

The buyout and renaming seemed to shift Sloan-Grey Memorial towards more of a research hospital than a teaching one, but they aren't particularly doing that much either this year.

I'm going on the assumption that they're going to have another Mercy Death moment at the Winter Finale and kill off a lot of characters and figured someone we knew would have more impact than a brand new intern/resident.

But the first four or five seasons were only one year put together, I think. The timeline is really messed up, even after the two big time jumps.

The fact that you still call it that…

So I'm not wrong in thinking that the odds of not just two but three random people just happening to be liver-transplant matches for each other are, like, not just win-the-lottery long but close to all of the air in the room happens to gather in one corner and suffocate eveyone else, right?