Jeff R.

The magic part would be how it avoids a 9-month story gap, probably.

This is the review during which our reviewer's inability to conceive that Daenerys is no more death-proof than Ned or Robb stark starts to pile enough potentially ironic lines that people should start to notice…

I still think Dany dies on her first day in Westeros proper, in one of the last two episodes of this season. The series still has one more Ned Stark/Red Wedding style gut-punch to deliver. I'm saying if that bookie offers infinity to one on those two, wager a penny…

Dragonglass breaks when you hit wights with it, so Valyrian Steel is still by far the strongest choice when fighting a mixed force of others and wights.

Also, saving Snart wasn't enitrely about morality, there's also a 'don't create yet another massive time paradox' going on there.

They went out of their way to remind us of the holoprojector. So that clearly wasn't Iris. Either a time-travelling HR or, preferably, someone whose heart is located elsewhere in their body.

So exactly why wasn't Riggs on the 'personal visit from military HR' list?

Not sure about Owen's sister; those did not look like tears of joy on his face. My guess is that Amelia and Stephanie are going to be playing the roles of Carter and Lucy, in some order, as Greys attempts to recreate ER's season 6 finale.

Either she does Addison's intro line or else Mere inverts it during their first interaction.

That was last week; Bowman pledged to send the (flawed) bill to the floor, which is to say to give it cloture.

There might be some kind of deal where if they sell the house/other assets the government would seize most of the money but they can't currently force them to sell going on…

Of all of the people who've played a President on 24, they certainly managed to pick the least memorable. To the point where I thought the whole stunt-casting-reveal sequence was left over from before a deal with one of the Palmers or a West Wing alum fell through…

They did talk about babies; Amelia thought she wanted one or more right up until the middle of her pregnancy scare.

Question for anyone who might know: is this something the show just made up, or is this an actual trend in real-life teaching hospitals being shown, and if so, are they showing it poorly or is it really as dumb as they're making it look?

Point is that nobody involved should have known which group got the placebo in the first place. Even before you get to preventing shenannigans like we saw that couple of years, research and tests that aren't performed double-blind are just plain worthless, and having not only every doctor at the hospital but also

The alzheimers drug study in which nobody involved appeared to have even heard of double blind methodology is still worst plotline.

His main archenemy through the silver age was Professor Zoom,the Reverse-Flash. (One person.) No other speedster foes, and fairly few allies even. Then he died and stayed that way for a long time, at the same time Wally West took over the role. So the 'opposite version' part of his rogue's gallery was left open,

When pop said 'sick' the subtextual 'pregnant' was loud enough one expects Betty to have heard it as well as the audience, yes.

Still true? Are they bumping everyone a week or moving Felicity Jones' episode later in the season after today's vintage replacement? (East coast viewers have probably already seen a 'next week' bumper by now, right?)

Note: Shaking a Polaroid picture will not cause it to develop any faster.