Jeff R.

Now watch only the under pay out as the entire episode turns out to be a 75-minute Tower of Joy flashback.

I expect Flashpoint to just go 3-4 episodes and then for them to get to a Crisis on Infinite (well, 4, maybe 5) Earths storyline for the rest of the season. Doesn't make sense to let Flash reboot all three shows for the whole season, doesn't make sense to do a plot that doesn't let them do full two-way crossovers.

I've spent twenty years of my life trying to develop an Anal Bum Cover and I tell you it can't be done!

Community was without Harmon one of those seasons and Glover the other, which averages out about the same, key-piece-loss-wise.

Geek-appeal shows on troubled networks that make it to a third season usually manage to limp through five, mostly on fulfilling low expectations, slashing budgets, and executives who know their pilots will do even worse. (See Chuck, Fringe, Communitiy)

Nobody has actually destroyed anything since Jon Stewart destroyed Crossfire. If only Stewart could return to destroy this tired 5-minute hate form of criticism for us…

I'm still going for "Grey and Riggs end up sleeping together, then final scene is the sister showing up and delivering Addison's introduction scene" as the way they'll go.

Gotta say I got more 'budding sociopath' than 'stoic' off of Jasmine. Doubt that was any kind of international though.

Ever since the stolen election plotline it's been clear that Olivia only works as a Walter White-style antihero, so the show finally abandoning the pretense that she's ever been a good person can only be a good thing, no?

I'm sure that it's either in that kid's imagination or part of Bob Newhart's nightmare. Or both.

You want to talk holiday candy conspiracy, how about the Tootsie Roll people trying to spread the idea that vanilla is a fruit?

Wow, after those cartoons ISIS will surely think twice about doing anything bad ever again! Good job, internet!

I wish we'd finally get a companion in the Nyssa/Leela model in the new Who: someone not from present day England but from someplace that is no longer their home at all after their first story, someone whose arc is ultimately about them finding a new home.

Indiana Jones is Really Also Jack Ryan and Professor Jones Senior is Really Also James Bond And We Kill Them All Off For Good So Stop Bothering Us.

Cougar. Town.

They'll literally re-do Addison's first scene, mark my words.

Prime dropped its non-exclusive BBC content much earlier than recently. So maybe Amazon's play won out and they do have the exclusive now…

Doesn't the Nerdist have it the wrong way around? I thought that it was Prime that dumped it, not wanting to carry any tv shows it couldn't carry exclusively.

I think they were originally planning double episodes next week and march 1st and switched things around to let them do an hour of election coverage. Just guessing, though.

The terrorists suffer a lot of mechanical and technical difficulties during that scene, which always led me to suspect that there was another set of Doc and Marties from further upstream deliberately interfering with them…