Jeff R.

I'm so happy that they've avoided the trap of using the same name scheme twice in this series. (Written-out-number versus numeral is enough to distinguish Fast 8 from Fast Five.) Now they just have to stick the last two. Roman Numeral IX? "The Last Fast Furious" for Ten?

No cornlove, article is a failure.

Disney prefers an elegant weapon for a more civilized age, I guess.

I think that 'lives' are close enough to direct analogs of the balls in pinball that you have to go back to those games to really get to the origin.

So many issues. Sandman Overture not on the comics list, Justified not on the TV one, The Magicians not on the adaptations list (also wasn't on the list last year IIRC, and the Force Awakens choice clearly means that the year must be mid-december to mid-december), and what's with The Sculptor being on the wrong list…

The extra life has been dead for decades, ever since the first Jak and Daxter demonstrated how much better the opposite paradigm works.

He did a cover of Bohemian Rhapsody as a polka in whichever album was the first one produced after Wayne's World…

But knowing those terms well enough to use them in a sentence and being willing to do so is such a sure sign of utter creepiness that people probably are better off with 'mild pedophila'.

Penguin was pretty thrill-killery the first few episodes after his botched execution, though…

Shows with a less-than-full season pickup are cancelled; stop pretending that they aren't.

Poor Colin Quinn, doesn't ever get mentioned in Weekend Update articles and doesn't get a mention here no matter how relevant his main gimmick was.

No, I'm going to go with "middle-class anxiety over being overwhelmingly outnumbered by the poor" as the same damned thing.

So, obsessing over this curved stabbing knife that drains its victims blood clearly led Ichabod to think that Jack the Ripper, whose victims were all killed by a straight slashing knife that didn't do anything unusual at all regarding their blood, must be connected.

And the Food Rehydrator that has changed all of our daily lives.

Does the new version get to the parts where the werewolf falls in love with Beau's baby while it's still in his womb?

Now someone has to invent a drink called the 'sunglasses' and popularize it so that there can be a geek joke version of that, too.

I'm not watching another not-already-to-series Amazon Pilot until they take The Cosmopolitans to series.

Quantum Leap had the prescience to have his first leap be into a pilot, but then grafted the second episode on to for a 2-hour opener and gave it a different name.

I think Fozzie's not just the warmup act but also the sidekick, just like Hank from Larry Sanders…

Sinatra's choices on "very good" (stretching 'very' and dropping the pitch on 'good') are both clearly the right ones to make, but any cover that does both is probably too Sinatra for their own good as well.